Thursday, April 03, 2008

Freezing at Busch Stadium

Ah, nothing like baseball in early April. Erin and I went to the Cardinals/Rockies game last night, braving the cold weather. By the 7th inning, my butt was numb, our noses were running and we decided it was time to go. Aren't we cute though? I realize it is shocking to see me in a Cardinals hat, but as I explained to DT (who called me a Cubs traitor), the hat is way cute and it matched my outfit (you can't tell, but I also had a pink shirt on). And check out Erin rockin' her Red Sox hat! I'm not gonna lie, we didn't really pay attention to most of the game (we were too busy talking-shocking, I know), I do recall Rick Ankiel hitting a home run and there being fireworks and I recall people chanting Albert Pujol's name. That's about it. The Metrolink was the perfect mode of transportation (and quite a deal at only $4 round trip!). I was able to be home by 10pm, just in time to get to chat IM with my favorite Canadian! ;)

In some sad news, my cousin Jeff's wife Jessica lost her dad yesterday. Jessica-you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything you need, please let me know. It's always situations like this that remind you how lucky you are to have good people in your life, people we sometimes take for granted. Just wanted to let all my friends and family know that I love you all very much, even if I don't always say it. :)

So, I hear Ramiele got the boot on American Idol. It was inevitable people. She had to go. Now, if we could just get rid of Kristy Lee Cook, life would be good.....

I am already missing my Mikey Poo. He is going to San Diego today. Thus far, the day has been quiet as is often the case when Mike is gone........I realized I won't see him again until 4/14 because he returns to work next Thu, however, I am off next Thu and Fri. What is a girl to do without her gay??????? Michael, I can't live if living is without you...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have an enormously huge head in that pic. But you look cute.