Saturday, April 12, 2008


Ugh, I've got a ragin', horrendous, massive headache, y'all. I'm sure it's a hormonal thing, but that don't make it feel any better, know what I'm sayin????? Ick. I have spent the better part of the afternoon in my bedroom, with the lights out, with my pillows and blankets over my head. That, and I've taken what is probably the maximum dosage of ibuprofen a girl my size can take (not to mention the massive amounts of caffeine I've ingested-it can't hurt, right?). As my BFF Frau Slawson says, c'est la vie (and my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family-his father passed away on Tuesday. ).

I did manage to leave the house this morning for our monthly girls lunch. It was a small crew this month, but I was able to see my cousin Clint, his daughter Kira and Clint's girlfriend Amy who, in a word, is adorable! :) We had a great lunch, Kira cracked us all up, especially when taking her "party pix" (appearing on the fam blog soon). Ah, to be five again (she's NOT six, she informed us several times!). I'm venturing out of the house again shortly to attend the employee appreciation dinner for us hard working crisis line staff. Tanya and I will be each other's dates (isn't that cute????). We'll see how long I last, the plan is to go out afterward, but I'm not seeing that happening. We'll see. Damn hormones. At least I'm not crabby. Is it possible to feel like total crapola but still be in a good mood? If so, then I am! :)

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