Monday, November 19, 2007


What a busy weekend! I slept like nine hours last night to make up for it-but it was all fun! Did anyone watch the American Music Awards last night? Was anyone else slightly offended by Simon Le Bon's super, super tight pants? Let's just say they left VERY little to the's already a little freakish that Duran Duran is back given that it's 2007, not 1984, so the pants were a little over the top for me.

So, Friday night I went out with my girls Tanya and Allison. We are PARTY ANIMALS when we go out together, someone call the cops, seriously.....we went to OB Clark's to watch the Blues game, had some pizza and stuck to our typical one drink (ok, Tanya had two-CRAZY!). It was a lot of fun just gossiping and laughing and as an added bonus, the Blues won!

Saturday was busy, busy, busy. I was up at 7:30am to make sure the apartment met Mom Davidson's Standards of Cleanliness. I almost passed, she was impressed with how clean it was but did have to point out that several things needed to be dusted....that's my mom! I'm guessing I got about a B- for my efforts-I'll take it! Dad put together my new Ikea dresser-it is SO cute! Love it! After that, he headed to Grandpa's and mom and I headed out to St. Peters to meet the aunts/cousins at Costco. What a zoo that place is on a Saturday morning! Yikes! After that we did lunch, I hung out at Grandpa's for a bit, then rushed home to get ready for me and Mikey's DATE NIGHT! :) I also had to whip together a green bean casserole-no prob for this cooking pro! HA! Mike and I got all dressed up since Zootini required we do so (and we looked HOT, if I do say so myself). We first went to the 2nd Annual Friends Thanksgiving at our friend Denise's house-it was lots of fun, the food was fan-ta-stic. Mike, Amy and I were a bit obnoxious, as per usual ("welcome to our Monday through Friday"!). Zootini was quite fun, it kinda reminded me of a wedding reception-everyone was dressed up, there was a band, and there was lots of white people dancing......I ran into Red's friend Angie there (who was totally making out with some dude...) AND rand into Ryan Austin from my CMSU days! How random is that? I haven't seen him since Deven's wedding. Good times. Other than a brief moment where I thought I lost my drivers license and debit card, the night was a success, I must say.

Sunday I was up bright and early for church with the fam. Hung out at Grandpa's afterwards for a bit before mom and dad headed back to Salem. I tried to take a nap once I got home but wasn't quite successful with that. Around 3'ish, Renee, Maggie and I headed out to Krista's for her Tastefully simple party-one of the best I've been to. Why? Because they let you sample almost everything! I'm talking dips, cheese balls, bread, soup, was awesome, and I wanted to buy everything, but didn't. I set a budget and stuck with it-can't wait for my stuff to come in. You may be seeing a key lime cheeseball coming your way soon!

Right now I am just chillin, I have to go to my allergist at 12:30 for the skin test-wish me luck! I'm hoping for lots of reactions! :) Then I will be running errands all day and then watching the Blues game with Polster. Yes, I said Polster and no, hell did not freeze over, nor is it Armageddon (at least not that I'm aware of). :)

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