Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The itcy and scratchy show

So, I got my first allergy shot last night. There was a room full of people when I arrived at the doctors office-all awaiting their shot. The procedure is very systematic in nature. The receptionist says "Davidson, you're next". You then go to the back of the office "by the refrigerator" and meet up with Beth, the nurse (who hails from Eminence, MO-holla!). Beth shoots you in the arm with a mixture of all the things you are allergic to and instructs you to go back to the waiting room, wait exactly 30 minutes, then return to her so she can "read" the results. As I sat in the waiting room, my arm began to itch. I didn't know it at the time, but it was also red and swelling. Awesome. Beth was like, "uh, yea we expected that to happen since we just injected you with allergens". She then proceeds to tell me that my arm may itch for the next twelve hours. TWELVE HOURS? Benadryl here I come! On a side note-my arm still itches today. Twelve hours my ass.

I must say I was a bit disappointed in Dancing With The Stars last night. It was the finals, and the stars got to do a freestyle dance. Scary Spice and her hottie partner weren't all that great, and Marie Osmond was downright creepy with her giant doll weird dance thingy. At least Helio's dance was good-he's my pick y'all!

While I watched tv last night, I also put up my Christmas tree. It took me quite awhile. Not the tree part so much, but the untangling of the lights. I need a better system. It looks really good though, if I do say so myself.

SUPER NERD alert-I am on Book 4 of the Harry Potter series. I fought it for a long, long time, but finally wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I am enjoying them, I don't think they are the greatest books on Earth, nor do I plan to dress up as Harry Potter for Halloween, but they're good. I also watched the first two movies over the Thanksgiving holiday. I have movie #3 in my possession and plan to watch it soon. Book 4 is gonna take me awhile-it's nearly 800 pages long. Yikes.

Tonight Mikey and I are going out to dinner for Dine Out For Life. It's a good cause, I'm totally down with it. I have to stay on "the path" however. I am back on the eating well tract. It gets tricky when you go out to eat, but I am determined to behave. Baked fish and steamed veggies, anyone?


Anonymous said...

you are sooo not a nerd for reading harry potter, book 4 is where it really starts getting good. i predict you will want to dress up as him for halloween when you are done with the series. the movies suck. i forbid you to watch any more before you are done, they poison the mind. you should also get them on cd and listen, the guy who reads them is awesome, as a matter of fact, i started reading the 7th to my kids and they did not like how i did the voices so we went out and bought the cds. i know this is more of a letter than a comment, oh well. miss you.

Anonymous said...

I agree Kerri . . . you aren't smart enough to be a nerd :)

KD said...

who rattled your chain, Tessier? :)

Anonymous said...

I would say Harry Potter would make you more of a dork than a nerd anyways

KD said...

it takes one to know one, rp! :) is it possible to be both dorky and the most ridiculously good looking person on earth?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is . . . and you are.