Sunday, November 25, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my cousin Clint. I know it was yesterday and, no, I didn't forget. It's just that I am still in Salem and my parents have dial up. I have avoided the computer as much as possible because it is so mind numbingly slow. I apologize cuz! I hope you had a GREAT birthday, the big 2-7, huh? Hardly seems possible. Guess we're all getting old....

My time off is about over. Yes, tomorrow I will return to work. I may not have a voice, but I will be there. Seems my "smokers cough" continues to worsen. I sound like a scratchy voiced dude. It's pretty sexy.

So, didn't work on Project Grandpa once this week. There was just too much to do with all the cooking and visiting various family members. It's ok thought, next Saturday we are going to Christina's to scrapbook all day. I will have to get some work done then because Grandpa's party is only three weeks away.

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Mine was great, spending time with the fam. We did have one game night in which we played the Lucky Jew game (now forever known as the lucky "Jewt" Game-a combo of Jew and really had to be there). I think Jon won, I can't remember, I was too traumatized by my crappy scores (I think they should have taken my math disability into consideration and spotted me a few points....). It was a lot of fun though. And last night was way fun, we watched the Mizzou-Kansas football game as a family (minus mom who just couldn't get in to it). The game was GREAT, Missou won and now we are anxiously awaiting the news that they are now #1 in the country. Pretty cool stuff.

Anywho, gotta go, mom is dragging me to church. :)

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