Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Carrie!

Happy Birthday today to my friend Carrie! Hope you have a GREAT day girl! Hope Boogie spoils you rotten on your big day (I'm sure instead your day will be full of taking kids to school, picking kids up from school, cleaning up dog crap and making din-din, hopefully you find something relaxing in there!). I miss ya-when are we all gonna get together again????

Mikey and I have another date night tonight-movie night. We are SOOOOOOOOOOO not gonna be Bridget Jones.....ok, maybe we more fun news, we are making plans to possibly go see........THE SPICE Chicago. Dorky? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely.

Big weekend plans? I am getting my hair did tomorrow-always exciting! Then am power scrapbooking at Christina's, then meeting my college buds. Any messages you want me to pass along to them Canada? I'm gonna try to relax this weekend because next week I am doing extra shifts at my part-time job in order to pay for my personal property tax and my new medical bill I accumulated thanks to my CRAPPY health insurance (is it ironic that I work for the company that provides the crappy insurance?). I believe I am working like 20 hours next week, or something ridiculous like that. Woe is me.


Anonymous said...

Yes I do . . .

"Who then now bitch?"

KD said...

who is it you want me to say that to? Christi? Lori? Mike L? Mike D? Or all of the above?
I am here to do your evil bidding, RP.....

Anonymous said...

You can tell that to all of them. Oh yeah and tell Mike L.


And feel free to throw in some sort of comment about dry boning . . . that should probably get a laugh.

KD said...

shall i also bring up "skull f**king" and give everyone a good steamroll before i leave? and what is the greeeeeat job mike thing about? or is that just you being funny again? :)

Anonymous said...

By all means . . . feel free to ablib.

The "Greeeeat job" thing was something Mikey always said (usually when drunk)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ker... um and yes: I spent my day getting bitched out at work, picking up kids who were bitching at each other, and then stepping IN dog crap, rather than picking it up. That being said, the day finished with a nice din din and a pearl bracelet from Boogie. Blessed be my gloriouslife... ;)