Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Garland Man

That is what my dad sang to himself this morning as he and I were putting up the Christmas tree. It went a little something like this...."Garland Man, Garland Man, I am the Garland Man". Ok, guess you had to be there. So, I have been put to work since I arrived in Salem yesterday afternoon. So far, I have baked a batch of cupcakes and two pumpkin pies. I've also been to Wal-Mart three times in less than 24 hours. That must be some kind of record. I'm sure I'm not done visiting there. Things are quiet now, but in about an hour I must start dinner. Yes, I am cooking for the fam tonight. VERY impressive, huh?

Yesterday before I left I got to briefly see Sharon, Marques and their two a-dorable kiddos, Sophia and Aiden. SO precious! Seems their trip to St. Louis was a last minute thing, I'm sure glad I got to see them while they were in town (they live in North Carolina). After that, I began my trek to Salem. I occupied myself by 1. listening to my iPod, and 2. counting the dead animals on the side of the road. I saw a couple armadillo (or is that "armadillos"?) and a handful of dead squirrels, not to mention some dead deer. I arrived in Salem just in time to visit my mom and then run to the little girl's room (WAY too much Diet Dr. Pepper), grab a blank check from her (gotta love that!) and head over to Wal-Mart for trip #1. I also went to see my brother and visit his new apartment. It smelled like boy (I can't describe it, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about), but was fairly clean. Last night we watched Dancing With The Stars and The Biggest Loser (Tim got to witness me crying....). I was pulling for Marie Osmond to get the boot, but Jennie was a close second for me. Besides, Marie has the whole state of Utah voting for her-she's a shoo in!

So, I'm sure I'll write more of my adventures in the country. Tomorrow is Turkey Day and time for my Annual Sappy Message to all. Bet you can't wait!

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