Friday, November 09, 2007

Watch out for mattresses on the highway

My commute this morning was going well, traffic was flowing nicely, no jams or wrecks as far as the eye could see....I was actually pretty excited at the prospect of getting to work early (I am one of those anal people who feels like they are late if they are at work on time-I need a good 10-15 minutes of prep time before I sit down to knows what I'm talking about) as it NEVER happens driving on Hwy 70 during the morning rush hour, I'm lucky if I get to work in 50 minutes-that's one crappy commute, huh? Well, anyway, so things were going fine until I see several cars in the lane in front of me slamming on their brakes and swerving...what was causing this, I wondered....and I soon found out-a mattress on the highway. Right there in the middle lane. I found this funny because one of the local radio stations here, Y98, has an ongoing tally of mattresses-vs-ladders on the highways-the traffic guy keeps us updated on the latest tally (I think ladders are winning, but only by a hair).

So, this long, long work week is over. I went to happy hour with some of the crisis line folks after work tonight-yes, that's right, the people that SAVE YOUR LIVES were out drinking-it's how we deal. Might I recommend the pumpkin beer at Trailhead? Yummy yum. I wanted to just keep drinking it but had to remind myself that it was alcohol and would make me drunk if I did...after that I met up with Maggie and Renee who were scrapbooking at a new place Maggie discovered in SoCoMo-this place is great! They had lots of products I had never seen before, and I am a scrapbooking supply connoisseur. I got lots more supplies for Project Grandpa, and also got in the mail yesterday all my pics of him that I ordered online. I am SO excited about this project. Just looking through all of those pics-from childhood to now-made me think about how much I love my Grandpa and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I was thinking about how I really don't want to go to the Veteran's Day parade on Sunday, but I will do it because Grandpa asked me to. It's those little things that I will look back on someday and be glad I did. Ok, enough sappiness.

I found some of the Davidson relatives last night on MySpace-very exciting, so now I can keep up with my cousin Dan and his wife Amy and my cousin Brian and his wife Desiree-plus all their kids. I don't have as many MySpace "friends" as Mike (he's like over 100 now, I'm at a respectable 68, thank you very much), so I think he won our unofficial competition-that's cool though.

Not a whole lot going on this weekend, and that is just fine with me! I am meeting Renee and Sue for brunch on Sunday-part of our monthly gathering. Next week is looking to be busy-book club, plans for Friday night, my parents will be in town on Saturday, we have Girl's Lunch, the 2nd annual Friends Thanksgiving at my friend Denise's house, Mike and I are going to Zootini and on Sunday, my friend Krista is hosting party-kinda like PartyLite or Mary Kay, only this company sells dips, cheese balls, soups, desserts-stuff like that. I've tried the key lime cheese ball and let me tell you, it is fan-ta-stic.

Enough rambling. I am gonna put my jammies on and curl up with my People magazine. I just realized how sad that sounds....

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