Wednesday, November 28, 2007

eatin' seaweed

So Mikey, Bruce and I went out to dinner for Dine Out For Life last night (benefits St Louis Effort for AIDS). We went to Cafe O, we stayed on the path and all ordered fish-it was very good. Mid-way through our dinner, Bruce asked our waiter what the yummy green stuff was on our plates. Our waiter informed us that it was.................seaweed. Yum. Bruce was like "gee, I've seen it in the ocean and never thought 'man I want to eat that'".

YEA-Helio won on Dancing With The Stars! He was my fave from the beginning, I'll have you know. :)

If you haven't received the dancing elf email from me, let me know (or ask my mom). It has already provided endless entertainment at work this morning......


Anonymous said...

Are you famous please don't lie

KD said...

huh? wtf?