Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Get that hypochondriac away from me!

OMG, I can't take it anymore. The office hypochondriac is sitting right next to me and she is about to drive me insane. I'm talking the total attention seeking coughing and sniffling (that, as far as I can tell, she has done EVERY SINGLE TIME I HAVE EVER SEEN HER. Come on! Do you REALLY have a cold that lasts that long? If so, may I suggest you GO SEE A DOCTOR!). And don't get me started on the whole sitting on the back massager thingy. And I haven't even discussed the fact that she totally has a personality disorder on top of it....I seriously have not met in person a more attention seeking person in my entire life...except for maybe me, but we're not talking about me right now....


Anonymous said...

do I want to take a guess?

KD said...

Who is JW? :)

Heidi said...

OMG.....i totally know. i'm several states away and I feel irritated just thinking about your situation. I've sooo been there.

We called it from the start.

Unknown said...

You are so wrong............well wrong, but right!! Allison and I sat there on Tuesday night dealing with the same things. Lord save the call center!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh you have one, too? Our O.H. is also lazy, looks for other jobs online (while at work-or I wouldn't care!), and on top of all else, can't effing spell. I'm sorry but our documentation gets seen by other professionals, can you ask or look it up maybe?? Asophigis--like that? bludie hel.

KD said...

Rob-don't forget my favortie misspellings: fibromyalgie, fibromylanta and fibromalasia....classic.