Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Why is it that.....

strangers feel the need to talk to you on the elevator? Especially first thing in the morning? Do I look friendly? Do I look like I want to speak to you after I've just rolled out of bed and sat in traffic for nearly an hour? Do I? Yes, in case you couldn't tell, I'm a little cranky today. I don't know why. Blame the Advil PM hangover. Blame the fact that my Mikey and my Amy are not at work today leaving me to just sit in my cube and be anti-social. Blame it on the fact that I stayed up until nearly 11:00pm watching my Cubs play the Brew-Crew in the crazy hope that they were actually gonna come back from a five run deficit. They nearly did it, thanks to some stellar play by Soriano, Floyd and my boy Ramirez, however, they fell short and lost 7-5 (where was D Lee? Apparently he was a big fan of striking out last night, but whatever....). Blame the tides, moon, planets or Paris Hilton. I don't care. I know once my Diet Dr. Pepper kicks in, I will feel much, much better (I have temporarily switched my beverage of choice ever since Heidi sent me that article that said Diet Coke would kill me....thanks Heidi!).

In good new, my cousin Ben's wedding is this weekend, which means lots of fine family fun! I will have you all know that my dress is a SIZE FOUR, thank you very much. I did have to go in search of one very important item of clothing to go with said dress: the suck-in-your-fat-undies. You ladies know what I'm talking about. Brands like Spanxx (endorsed by Oprah and Beyonce, dontcha know) are there to, um, help even out your little problem areas so that you look HOT (ok, that may be a small exaggeration). Well, I can't really afford Spanxx (they are seriously like $80), but I found a suitable alternative at Target. I tried them on (not so much sexy, not that anyone will be looking at them, mind you) with my dress and-voila! Magic happened before my very eyes. My tummy was perfectly flat (the 4x a week jogging habit I've picked up may also have something to do with that), my ass was where it should be (I ain't gettin' any younger-things start sagging when you're my age, it's sad but true). I actually felt pretty good about myself. Now if only I can have a good hair day on Saturday....(always questionable this time of year given the Missouri Humidity). My mom and I are getting mani's and pedi's on Friday (Red, what time do you get off work? Come join us!!!!). I am going out with T Friday night as I haven't seen him since Sunday, both our weeks are rather busy, but I've penciled him in for Friday night! I don't know what we are doing-I am being told it is a surprise. Surprises make me nervous.....

I hear some of my fam is going to Humphrey's tonight to see Ivory Tiger. Don't know if I'm gonna make it-I am working both jobs today-twelve hours of F-U-N. If I'm cranky now and it's only 9:00am, how well do you think I'll be doing come 9:00pm???? Probably not well, would be my guess.

Wow, for being cranky I sure had a lot to say today. Who knew? If I come up with any other enlightening comments today, I will be sure to inform you all. Otherwise, have a great Wednesday and continue to ask yourself-is it Friday yet????

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