Thursday, June 14, 2007

It takes all kinds

I know, it takes all kinds of people to make up this world. Nothing illustrates this more than visiting the 7-11 on McCausland. There, you will encounter all walks of life, especially first thing in the morning. I must say, everyone is always very nice, the gentlemanly construction workers always let me in front of them in line (think they are looking at my ass? I am having a good jeans day today....), the balding lady that works there almost makes eye contact with me and the Miller Lite guy is there every Friday morning with a smile on his face (I'm gonna hijack that truck one of these days, mark my words...that, and the Red Bull truck for T). It's my new morning hangout, the Super Big Gulp calling my's the only way I can be awake enough to focus on my nearly hour long commute to work.

So, I finally got some sleep last night. I got home from the crisis line around 9:30, I'm pretty sure I was asleep by 10:30. I was having some weird dreams last night, I don't remember any of them now, but I'm pretty sure they were weird. Plans for tonight? The main one is to get a jog in. Due to my increasingly busy schedule, I have not been able to jog since Sunday. I've gotten to the point that I feel like there is something missing from my day if I don't go (Red gets that, don't you Red?).

Well, I have a bit of a busy day ahead of me at work, so I must keep it short. Hope everyone is doing well, hope everyone is doing Race for the Cure this weekend-if you're not, you should be (unless you have to work, otherwise, no excuse!!!). Happy Thursday everyone!


kristy said...

I usually get crazy ticked off if I can't run and then take it out on Jon. This is why I run in the rain, snow, 90degree/90% humidity days, oh and even after I've had major surgery. And I'll even get up at 5 AM if I know I can't run in the evening because we have plans. Its best for all who know me. :)

kristy said...

Oh and lets not forget that not even a man flashing me his pee-pee has slowed me down. :)

Anonymous said...

What a crazy coincidence. I was just reading a blog from someone else in St. Louis that said that they go to the McCausland 7-11 every morning and they see the same zombie like girl every morning, stumbling towards the Big Gulps like a junkie jonesin for a hit.

KD said...

Canada-you are so funny! :) dude, ugly, UGLY things happen if i don't get my caffeine fix....