Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Birthday today to my daddy! He's upstairs right now telling the Baumgartner's stories and entertaining everyone in the's what he does. I hope you have a GREAT day, dad! You only turn 58 once...go out and live it up (or something like that.....). LOVE YOU!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Guitar Hero teaser....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Home, home on the range....
Ah, Day 3 in Salem and I'm still kickin. How is everyone's Thanksgiving week going? Mine has been, in a word, relaxing. Well, kinda. My mom and I were plenty busy today, baking/cooking since early this morning....yes, this girl spent most of her day in the kitchen. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. I even had to use some higher math and do (GASP) FRACTIONS. Yikes. I made two pumpkin pies, helped make some banana cake thingy, helped make the chicken wings AND I managed to sneak out for a bit and have lunch with one of my old friends from grade school, Dawn Brown (now Pharr). I don't think I've seen her since we graduated high school FOURTEEN years ago....yikes. She brought her 3 year old little girl, Avery, with her who is too cute for words. It was a nice little visit. Once I got back to the house, I got roped in to helping put up the Christmas decorations. Oh, it was fun. Dad accused mom and I of not setting up the tree right, then proceeded to re-do it, I helped my dad put up the lights (and I, of course, was doing it wrong the whole time, dontcha know). Somehow Tim escaped helping....not sure how he managed that.
Yesterday the dogs and I hung out outside while dad burned leaves. Nothing says "fun" quite like watching your father set the woods on fire. Pictures coming (because you KNOW I took pictures of it, right?).
Tim and I have been playing ourselves some Rock Band AND Guitar Hero. I've been playing it safe and have been playing the role of lead singer (I can totally rock out, dude), but tonight Tim made me try the guitar. It wasn't pretty folks. In fact, my darling little brother video taped it with my camera. If y'all are good I might just post it for ya. Maybe. You have no idea how much I sucked. You see, playing that guitar requires some level of coordination.....something I don't have.
Hey DT, you should totally go to the Avalanche game tonight....they're playing my "hot" St. Louis Blues...... :)
My sister and Jon should be arriving in Salem in the next hour and a half or so. That should be fun...the dogs (and by "the dogs" I mean Stubby") don't really adapt to Miss Chloe so well...always a fun challenge when Red and Jon first arrive. A bit later tonight I am doing the one thing I NEVER do when I'm back in my hometown....and that is, I'm going to the local bar. Ew. My dear, dear friend Eric will be in town shortly and he asked me to go with him. How could I tell him no? :) I'm sure it will be fine, I'm also sure that the entire town will be there. Yippee skippy. In the meantime, I'm gonna watch the Blues game.
More tales from the country coming soon.
Yesterday the dogs and I hung out outside while dad burned leaves. Nothing says "fun" quite like watching your father set the woods on fire. Pictures coming (because you KNOW I took pictures of it, right?).
Tim and I have been playing ourselves some Rock Band AND Guitar Hero. I've been playing it safe and have been playing the role of lead singer (I can totally rock out, dude), but tonight Tim made me try the guitar. It wasn't pretty folks. In fact, my darling little brother video taped it with my camera. If y'all are good I might just post it for ya. Maybe. You have no idea how much I sucked. You see, playing that guitar requires some level of coordination.....something I don't have.
Hey DT, you should totally go to the Avalanche game tonight....they're playing my "hot" St. Louis Blues...... :)
My sister and Jon should be arriving in Salem in the next hour and a half or so. That should be fun...the dogs (and by "the dogs" I mean Stubby") don't really adapt to Miss Chloe so well...always a fun challenge when Red and Jon first arrive. A bit later tonight I am doing the one thing I NEVER do when I'm back in my hometown....and that is, I'm going to the local bar. Ew. My dear, dear friend Eric will be in town shortly and he asked me to go with him. How could I tell him no? :) I'm sure it will be fine, I'm also sure that the entire town will be there. Yippee skippy. In the meantime, I'm gonna watch the Blues game.
More tales from the country coming soon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Baby B is a...............GIRL!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yep, I'm good at being lazy
So, you may be wondering what I've been doing with myself since I've been on "vacation". Well, the answer is.....not a whole hell of a lot. And I'm quite alright with that. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have done SOME things, I managed to work a couple of shifts at my part-time job, I got the oil changed in my car, I went to church and I saw Grandpa twice. But other than that, I haven't done much.
Lunch with Grandpa on Friday was some good times. I'm telling you, from the moment I walked in his door until the moment I left, the man didn't stop talking once! I'm not sure he has an "off" button. He was quite worked up over some confusion his Christmas email caused (and don't even get me started on the fact that he types in all caps...he thinks it's perfectly acceptable and in no way signifies SHOUTING) and told me some story about the 1964 Indy 500 in which he "saw some guy's skin burn off his body right in front of my eyes". WHAT? Has anyone else ever heard him tell that story? Oh, and DT remind me to ask you something...Grandpa had an actuarial question that I'm not sure I can explain in writing, but I'm pretty sure has to do with math...... ;)
Friday night was spent at the crisis line where I took one real call in five hours....that was fun. Saturday, got my oil changed (after going 8,000 miles in between changes...I'm bad, I know.), bought my dad's birthday present, hung out at home a lot, ate tater tots for dinner and fell asleep on the couch. Exciting times.
Today, I went to church, hung out with Grandpa for a bit then went back to the crisis line where I was assaulted by a Cheez-It thrown by Tanya (I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO didn't deserve that abuse, by the way). After that, I've spent the evening recovering from my emotional pain caused by the Cheez-It incident and watching the American Music Awards. As I mentioned on my Facebook page, the Jonas Brothers just cause me to say "dude, what the f**k". Someone please tell me why they're famous. And don't even get me started on Kanye West. I want to tape his mouth shut. Did y'all see NKOTB? LOVE IT! Also loved Alicia Keys, Pink, Annie Lennox and the Sarah McLaughlin/Pink performance was cool. What was Scott Weiland on? Couldn't understand one word dude was saying.....I don't even know what to say about that Miley Cyrus song. Words can't describe, I'm afraid.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to see my doctor for a long overdue physical. You know, I ain't getting any younger, need to make sure everything is working properly and what not. I also need to squeeze this visit in before my health insurance plan changes to an even crappier one than I have now....... :( After my MD visit, it's off to Salem, where I've promised to make dinner (shocking, I know, but I can actually cook, and I'm gonna prove it tomorrow night....). Tomorrow is also a very exciting day sis and Jon get to find out if their baby is a boy or a girl! YAY! I so can't wait for that call home tomorrow night!
Ok, enough rambling, I've got more nothing to do. Later peeps!
Lunch with Grandpa on Friday was some good times. I'm telling you, from the moment I walked in his door until the moment I left, the man didn't stop talking once! I'm not sure he has an "off" button. He was quite worked up over some confusion his Christmas email caused (and don't even get me started on the fact that he types in all caps...he thinks it's perfectly acceptable and in no way signifies SHOUTING) and told me some story about the 1964 Indy 500 in which he "saw some guy's skin burn off his body right in front of my eyes". WHAT? Has anyone else ever heard him tell that story? Oh, and DT remind me to ask you something...Grandpa had an actuarial question that I'm not sure I can explain in writing, but I'm pretty sure has to do with math...... ;)
Friday night was spent at the crisis line where I took one real call in five hours....that was fun. Saturday, got my oil changed (after going 8,000 miles in between changes...I'm bad, I know.), bought my dad's birthday present, hung out at home a lot, ate tater tots for dinner and fell asleep on the couch. Exciting times.
Today, I went to church, hung out with Grandpa for a bit then went back to the crisis line where I was assaulted by a Cheez-It thrown by Tanya (I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO didn't deserve that abuse, by the way). After that, I've spent the evening recovering from my emotional pain caused by the Cheez-It incident and watching the American Music Awards. As I mentioned on my Facebook page, the Jonas Brothers just cause me to say "dude, what the f**k". Someone please tell me why they're famous. And don't even get me started on Kanye West. I want to tape his mouth shut. Did y'all see NKOTB? LOVE IT! Also loved Alicia Keys, Pink, Annie Lennox and the Sarah McLaughlin/Pink performance was cool. What was Scott Weiland on? Couldn't understand one word dude was saying.....I don't even know what to say about that Miley Cyrus song. Words can't describe, I'm afraid.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to see my doctor for a long overdue physical. You know, I ain't getting any younger, need to make sure everything is working properly and what not. I also need to squeeze this visit in before my health insurance plan changes to an even crappier one than I have now....... :( After my MD visit, it's off to Salem, where I've promised to make dinner (shocking, I know, but I can actually cook, and I'm gonna prove it tomorrow night....). Tomorrow is also a very exciting day sis and Jon get to find out if their baby is a boy or a girl! YAY! I so can't wait for that call home tomorrow night!
Ok, enough rambling, I've got more nothing to do. Later peeps!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Actually being serious for once
I hesitate to even post this because you don't see me being serious too often----
I'm feeling very emotional today, and am actually tearing up as I write. This may seem like a depressing post, but it's really not meant to be. Yes, I know it's cliched to talk about all that you are thankful for at Thanksgiving time, but I'm just thinking about all the people that I love thatare going through some tough times right now and I'm trying to find a positive. I'm thinking about my wonderful, brave, strong friend Maggie who just went thought the biggest loss of her life, but came out to Book Club last night to be around the support of her friends who love her. Maggie, thank you so much for sharing all the pictures of Baby Frankie...I know he is now a little angel watching down on all of us. You and Matt are truly amazing. Truly.
I'm also thinking about a family that Aunt Jan, Aunt Mary and I had the pleasure of meeting last weekend. Their beautiful 4 year old daughter has Tay-Sachs disease, the same disease that took my baby cousins, Adam and Andy, so many years ago. Aunt Mary made a connection with this family and I don't know why, but I felt compelled to meet them and to meet their little girl. Perhaps for some closure as the boys passed away when I was very young, I don't know. This family was amazing and, in fact, Tim, the father posted on his blog today that meeting us felt like family. I couldn't agree more. Perhaps it's the bond of knowing what they are going through. Many of you (luckily) have no idea what it's like to lose a child to a devastating genetic illness. But, I think it was healing to meet them and meet beautiful Elise, who is one tough cookie! This family will stay in my thoughts and prayers.....
I suddenly want to tell all my friends and family how much I love them. I'm taking Grandpa to lunch today because I feel like I don't spend enough time with him (even though I see him weekly). I'm looking foward so much to next week because I get to be with my family. I'm trying to focus on all the good that is going sister is pregnant with my first niece or nephew, my brother just found out that he is going to be able to graduate with his Associates Degree in May. I personally have nothing bad going on. I just hate it when people I love struggle, that's all.
Anywho, I guess the message is to try to focus on the good things you do have. And make sure your family and friends know you love them. Don't be silly-tell them. :)
Some of you are probably saying to yourselves "geez, when does she go back to work, she needs more to do than to write depressing blog posts"........aren't you? ;)
I'm feeling very emotional today, and am actually tearing up as I write. This may seem like a depressing post, but it's really not meant to be. Yes, I know it's cliched to talk about all that you are thankful for at Thanksgiving time, but I'm just thinking about all the people that I love thatare going through some tough times right now and I'm trying to find a positive. I'm thinking about my wonderful, brave, strong friend Maggie who just went thought the biggest loss of her life, but came out to Book Club last night to be around the support of her friends who love her. Maggie, thank you so much for sharing all the pictures of Baby Frankie...I know he is now a little angel watching down on all of us. You and Matt are truly amazing. Truly.
I'm also thinking about a family that Aunt Jan, Aunt Mary and I had the pleasure of meeting last weekend. Their beautiful 4 year old daughter has Tay-Sachs disease, the same disease that took my baby cousins, Adam and Andy, so many years ago. Aunt Mary made a connection with this family and I don't know why, but I felt compelled to meet them and to meet their little girl. Perhaps for some closure as the boys passed away when I was very young, I don't know. This family was amazing and, in fact, Tim, the father posted on his blog today that meeting us felt like family. I couldn't agree more. Perhaps it's the bond of knowing what they are going through. Many of you (luckily) have no idea what it's like to lose a child to a devastating genetic illness. But, I think it was healing to meet them and meet beautiful Elise, who is one tough cookie! This family will stay in my thoughts and prayers.....
I suddenly want to tell all my friends and family how much I love them. I'm taking Grandpa to lunch today because I feel like I don't spend enough time with him (even though I see him weekly). I'm looking foward so much to next week because I get to be with my family. I'm trying to focus on all the good that is going sister is pregnant with my first niece or nephew, my brother just found out that he is going to be able to graduate with his Associates Degree in May. I personally have nothing bad going on. I just hate it when people I love struggle, that's all.
Anywho, I guess the message is to try to focus on the good things you do have. And make sure your family and friends know you love them. Don't be silly-tell them. :)
Some of you are probably saying to yourselves "geez, when does she go back to work, she needs more to do than to write depressing blog posts"........aren't you? ;)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy Week 20!!!!
Sis, I can't wait to see you, Jon, Chloe and Baby B next Wednesday!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Made up Christmas songs and other things I'd like to complain about
Ok, so now that it's mid-November, I totally don't mind the occasional Christmas song on the radio. Hell, just the other day I caught myself singing along to Wham's "Last Christmas" (a true classic). But what I don't like are the made up Christmas songs....the "originals" if you will. Give me a traditional Christmas carol, sing me some Jingle Bells or some Let It Snow, shoot, I don't even care if you play White Christmas by 1,500 different artists (and that includes Celine Dion's version), but PLEASE, no "original" Christmas songs!!! What prompted this latest rant, you may ask? Well, it happened on my way home from work when I heard Bryan Adams warbling something about "wishing it was Christmas every day" and "feeling joyous all year long". Get that crap off the radio! Who really wants it to be Christmas every day? Shut up Bryan Adams! Stick to cheesy love ballads, would ya? I'd make some rude comment about him being Canadian, but I like Canadians, so I won't (this time).
Next....yours truly nearly died on her way home from work today. Ok, so maybe "died" is a bit melodramatic (are you shocked?) but I DID very nearly get into an accident, caused by some Crazy Man who clearly should not be allowed out on the roads. There I was, minding my own business, driving down McCausland (probably listening to Bryan Adams' Christmas song.....), when this man in a puke-green Geo Prism (that was his first problem.....) comes barreling out of his driveway on the righthand side, comes over two lanes into my lane and very nearly slammed right into my passenger side. I had to slam on my brakes so hard my car skidded to a stop.....I then started slamming on the horn because Crazy Man was still a' comin. He then swerved and his Geo ended up SIDEWAYS in the other lane. I believe my exact reaction was "what the f**k????????". I then started to get angry at the thought of having to get my car fixed right before Thanksgiving just because some Crazy Man can't drive. Long story short, he didn't hit me, my car is fine, and my blood pressure is now back to normal. Thanks for being concerned.
Speaking of "dude, what the f**k" moments, so once I got home (safely), I was parking my car when I see this man in all black in the park across the street.....he was taking a running start and JUMPING on the sidewalk railings and balancing on top of them-like he was a ninja or Superman or something (or that James dude we went to college with...remember the juggling and balancing, DT????). He would then jump down, go the other direction, jump again, this time over the railings and then would roll to the ground like he was on fire. I sat and watched him do this several times because I wasn't sure if I was really seeing it or if I was hallucinating, before I quickly got my ass inside my apartment and locked the door. I don't think I'm coming out again until I leave for Salem on Monday. It's a scary (and weird) world out there people!
Next....yours truly nearly died on her way home from work today. Ok, so maybe "died" is a bit melodramatic (are you shocked?) but I DID very nearly get into an accident, caused by some Crazy Man who clearly should not be allowed out on the roads. There I was, minding my own business, driving down McCausland (probably listening to Bryan Adams' Christmas song.....), when this man in a puke-green Geo Prism (that was his first problem.....) comes barreling out of his driveway on the righthand side, comes over two lanes into my lane and very nearly slammed right into my passenger side. I had to slam on my brakes so hard my car skidded to a stop.....I then started slamming on the horn because Crazy Man was still a' comin. He then swerved and his Geo ended up SIDEWAYS in the other lane. I believe my exact reaction was "what the f**k????????". I then started to get angry at the thought of having to get my car fixed right before Thanksgiving just because some Crazy Man can't drive. Long story short, he didn't hit me, my car is fine, and my blood pressure is now back to normal. Thanks for being concerned.
Speaking of "dude, what the f**k" moments, so once I got home (safely), I was parking my car when I see this man in all black in the park across the street.....he was taking a running start and JUMPING on the sidewalk railings and balancing on top of them-like he was a ninja or Superman or something (or that James dude we went to college with...remember the juggling and balancing, DT????). He would then jump down, go the other direction, jump again, this time over the railings and then would roll to the ground like he was on fire. I sat and watched him do this several times because I wasn't sure if I was really seeing it or if I was hallucinating, before I quickly got my ass inside my apartment and locked the door. I don't think I'm coming out again until I leave for Salem on Monday. It's a scary (and weird) world out there people!
Dempster re-signs with the Cubs
Thank God. The Cubbies are keeping Demp for at least another 4 years after he re-signed with the best team in the world! It's all part of the Cubs campaign to have as many canucks on their team as possible (the other being Rich Harden). The Cubs are single-handedly bridging the international gap....or something like that. Here's hoping Demp's last season's awesomeness was not a fluke and that he will be awesome for years to come.
KD and the Elliptical-A Love/Hate Story (with an emphasis on the hate)

I decided to be a big girl and graduate from the treadmill last night at the gym. I decided I'd move on to a bigger and more effective gym machine-the elliptical. I mean, I see other people do it, how hard could it be? So, I ran on the treadmill for a few minutes to get warmed up then I went to tackle this machine. Let me sum it up in three words: I HATE IT. It's hard. I mean, I know the gym isn't supposed to be fun or easy, but good lord man! I think it tried to kill me, I really do. I am proud to say, however, that even when I wanted to quit, wanted to cry or felt like I was having a heart attack, I kept on going....and going....and going. When it was all over, my legs felt like jelly, and I'm a little sore today, but it was worth it. I WILL overcome the elliptical. I WILL make it my friend. I WILL.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Random, random and more random
Oh, all kinds of random stuff going through my head today (yea, I know that's not exactly different from any other day....).
So, remember a few weeks back when my girls and I got a little bit drunk on martinis and someone (Ashley) decided making international calls to a certain hot boy in Canada would be a good idea? Well, I must admit, I was a little apprehensive about seeing that phone bill....I mean, I get free weekends, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count on international, I got my bill today (it gets emailed to me) and with eager anticipation (and a bit of dread), I clicked on the button to show me the call details. Guess what? Calling British Columbia at 3:00am and talking for a couple of hours isn't that pricey after all! Only $18.27!!!! Wow, guess we can do that a little more often now, huh DT? ;) Because nothing says "hey, I really miss you" quite like a drunken phone call in the middle of the night.......
Would it be weird for me to be sitting here in the office with my gloves on? My hands are really cold. I'm wearing an orange shirt today and my gloves are green striped, not exactly a fashion statement (well, not a good one anyway)........
Today is technically my Thursday. You see, after tomorrow, I don't have to go back to work until December. Yay me. :) I'm gonna be spending the bulk of that time at my parents house letting my mama spoil me.......right mom? ;) I absolutely cannot wait until next week. Thanksgiving is my favoritest holiday. I love it because it's the only one we spend in Salem. My sis and Jon will be there (along with my special niece, Chloe!), the Dingi will be there and on Friday, the Batto Clan is coming down along with the Baumgartners...full house and I love it!!!! I'm also gonna see some old friends while I'm in town (breaking my own rule of not socializing with anyone when I'm in Salem). I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike is sitting over at his desk, muttering under his breath, but I'm pretty sure I just heard the word "dumbass" come out of his mouth....rough day, Mikey?
I leave you with this-do computers have faces? And if you threaten to punch one in the face, is that considered violent in any sort of way? Just wondering ......
So, remember a few weeks back when my girls and I got a little bit drunk on martinis and someone (Ashley) decided making international calls to a certain hot boy in Canada would be a good idea? Well, I must admit, I was a little apprehensive about seeing that phone bill....I mean, I get free weekends, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count on international, I got my bill today (it gets emailed to me) and with eager anticipation (and a bit of dread), I clicked on the button to show me the call details. Guess what? Calling British Columbia at 3:00am and talking for a couple of hours isn't that pricey after all! Only $18.27!!!! Wow, guess we can do that a little more often now, huh DT? ;) Because nothing says "hey, I really miss you" quite like a drunken phone call in the middle of the night.......
Would it be weird for me to be sitting here in the office with my gloves on? My hands are really cold. I'm wearing an orange shirt today and my gloves are green striped, not exactly a fashion statement (well, not a good one anyway)........
Today is technically my Thursday. You see, after tomorrow, I don't have to go back to work until December. Yay me. :) I'm gonna be spending the bulk of that time at my parents house letting my mama spoil me.......right mom? ;) I absolutely cannot wait until next week. Thanksgiving is my favoritest holiday. I love it because it's the only one we spend in Salem. My sis and Jon will be there (along with my special niece, Chloe!), the Dingi will be there and on Friday, the Batto Clan is coming down along with the Baumgartners...full house and I love it!!!! I'm also gonna see some old friends while I'm in town (breaking my own rule of not socializing with anyone when I'm in Salem). I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike is sitting over at his desk, muttering under his breath, but I'm pretty sure I just heard the word "dumbass" come out of his mouth....rough day, Mikey?
I leave you with this-do computers have faces? And if you threaten to punch one in the face, is that considered violent in any sort of way? Just wondering ......
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hangin with my college peeps/TOO much tequila....
I love my college friends. I really, truly do. They are some of my favoritest people on Earth. I don't get to see them nearly often enough, even the ones that live here in St. Louis. You know how it is, life gets busy and time flies (especially when you're old). So Friday night was a great time. We met at Tequila's and tequila was definitely the theme of the night....yikes (may explain why I slept most of the day on Saturday....)
This is my friend Deven modeling his Mexican beer (HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY by the way!). I hadn't seen him in four years, but I'm happy to say good ol' D Mac hasn't changed a bit...... :)
A typical Mikey drunk face...check out that giant beer he's drinking......
I don't know why Mike L entertains me so much........
This painting was quite popular with us drunko's....I don't know why it's so funny, but it is. Some say he looks like a certain Cuban doctor that I work with on a daily basis......
Here's the whole gang! From the left: Deven's wife Mandy, me, Christi, Christi's hubby Jim, Lori, Mike, Ryan and Deven. LOVE IT!
Ryan and Deven.....they came all the way from Jeff City (in the rain!) just to see us.
this makes me laugh out loud.....
so does this.....
I think this was the portion of the show when Mike was trying to call DT in Canada (hey, we were all missing him!). Oh and DT, Mike has big plans for you for Mardi Gras, so sure hope you're showing up....Mike even promises to be sober enough to go with us this time! ;)
me taking random shots as we are about to leave....Deven looks thrilled, doesn't he?
nothing but love from Christi's hubby, Jim.
Christi and Ryan
I think Mandy may have had too much margarita...... :)
not sure what Jim is doing here....and not too sure Mike is liking it..........
Mike and Lori...too cute! Um, and that glass in Lori's hand is now in the floorboard of my car......don't ask.
me and Ryan....proof that you CAN get along after not seeing each other after many years (Ryan and I tended to have our disagreements back in the day...usually alcohol induced).
Lori and Christi....two of my favoritest girlfriends ever!
Friday, November 14, 2008
So, what's goin' on?
Ok, I'm a little saddened by the new that the Cubs appear to be saying goodbye to Kerry Wood. Granted, I've had a love/hate relationship with him but still (when he's good, he's really, really good, when he's bad,well, he's really, really bad), he's been a Cubbie for ten years, it'll be weird to see him on another team. But I wish him the best. Maybe this means the Cubs will try harder to keep Ryan Dempster, although honestly, I think he'll be going to the highest bidder...more power to him. I just don't think his Harry Caray impression will carry as much weight with another team, however. So, Demp, you're just gonna have to stay in Chicago. Thanks.
It's Friday! Yahoo! I don't know why I look forward to Fridays because, quite honestly, Friday's at my job suck (or as my boss likes to say "SBDB", which stands for "sucks big donkey balls"-yea I said it. She started it). Today is no exception. I hope it's over soon, because..................I get to see some of my college peeps today! YAY! Of course, I don't get to see my FAVOURITE one, but that's because he like lives in another country and stuff. The others will have to suffice. So, we are going to a place called Tequila's (who happen to have very yummy, and strong, margaritas). Deven and Ryan are coming all the way from Jeff City just to hang out with us cool STL kids-yay! I'm sure we're gonna have a great time, I always do with those peeps....and I have a feeling that Guitar Hero or some other wii game is in our immediate future....
Other than tonight's festivities, not a whole lot going on this weekend. I do have our monthly girls lunch with my aunts and cousins tomorrow (ALWAYS look forward to that). There are rumors of snow flurries tomorrow (yikes!). I'm pretty sure I need to get the oil changed in my car (always exciting times). I leave you with this. Sis, this picture is for you:

Happy Birthday Uncle Jay!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wow. Now I know the St. Louis Blues are historically a mediocre team at best. I get this. Really, I do, I've been watching them since roughly 1988, so I totally get it. But losing six in a row? It's getting a bit ridiculous, boys! I mean, I thought you wanted the fans back? This is not a good way to make that happen. Here's an idea-bring that kid Ben Bishop back. You have to like a 6' 7" goalie. And he's from St. Louis. What's not to like? Poor Manny Legace-ever since Sarah Palin tried to kill him he hasn't quite been the same....every day I drive past the Paul Kariya billboard and I think to myself "what have you done for us lately, Paul?" (actually, I think he's hurt right now, but whatever). I'd really like the Blues to at least be competitive. I mean, come on, I need a winter sport to watch and God knows the Rams aren't cutting it. I'd pine away for Cubs baseball, but April is WAY far away from now. So, Blues, you're just gonna have to win some hockey games. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Hell, even the CANUCKS are better than you..... ;)
Damn straight! Lou Piniella is the 2008 NL Manager of the Year!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Congrats to Geovany Soto...the NL Rookie of the Year!
As if there was any doubt, the man with the finest head of hair in all of major league baseball, Geovany Soto, is 2008's NL Rookie of the Year. Hey, bitches, lay off, the Cubs had to have SOMETHING good happen to them this year.....geez. Not that I'm at all still angry and bitter about their early October demise. Nope, not at all. So, congrats Geo, may you be just as good in your sophomore year......
Oh yea....and Happy Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day


Why is it those damn, sassy Canadians get Remembrance Day (some sort of Veteran's Day knock-off, I think) off and we don't get Veteran's Day off??? Now, granted, I'm not a veteran, but lots of people I know are, so I think, in their honor, I should have the day off. My Grandpa is a Korean War vet and my daddy is a Vietnam War vet. Hat's off to them. Also, to my cousins who are currently serving in the military-my baby cousin Ben who is in the Air Force, my cousin Clint who is in the Marines, and my cousin Mike who is in the Navy. Thanks boys for serving our country so I don't have to. ;)
I'll Be Loving NKOTB Forever/Girls and Gays Night out at ScotTrade....
Oh, New Kids, I do love you so....yes, I was transported back in time last night, for one evening, I was a 13 year old girl again, screaming for my childhood crushes. LOVE IT! Mikey and I went to see NKOTB last night and they didn't disappoint. They sounded great (especially Jordan and Joe-they can actually sing quite well! Donnie....not so much). When Donnie mentioned that the first time they were in St. Louis was TWENTY years ago, I immediately felt older than dirt....yikes. No matter, Mike and I sang and danced (and yes, screamed) like it was 1988 all over again. They sang all of their "classics", of course, and some of the new stuff. I was hoping since it was fairly close to Christmas that we'd get to hear some "Funky, Funky Xmas" but to no avail. I was a little sad about that.....anywho.....I was a bit disturbed by Donnie talking about his ass, and dropping "f" bombs and the gratuitous crotch shots as it was a bit dirty-old-man'ish, but whatever. I was, however, ALL OVER the Jordan/wind machine/shirtless part of the show.....and loved it when Mike said "that Joey McIntyre sure grew up good!"........Loved when Donnie talked about having a lot more show left, Mike and I looked at the time (it was 11pm) and were like "uh what? We gotsta go to bed and go to work tomorrow" (we are SO DAMN OLD). Totally hilarious, I ran into one of my co-workers from the crisis line, Chris, at the show. When he came up to me, I said "so, did your girlfriend drag you here?". And he was like "uh no, actually I dragged her here". Oh, ok...... ;) SO, of course I took pics (I mean, DUH), so without further ado, here they are (I apologize in advance for the sheer volume of with it)
Mike was taking pictures of himself....
Girls and Gays Night! The obligatory party pic shot.......
That pic is for you DT...... ;)
Oooooo, pretty lights! Here are the guys performing a song called, you guessed it, "Boyfriend". ;)
more pretty lights.....oooooo.......ahhhh
this was before I figured out how to zoom in......



Break it down, little Joey Joe! (in the white)
Joey and two main NKOTB loves.....I wanted to marry Jordan when I was 13.....according to the Magic 8 ball that my sister, our friend Erin and I had, I was supposed to....whatever happened???????
the guys with the obligatory stairs ;)
this is when they got on this mini-stage out in the middle of the crowd. The sheer volume of screams was enough to wake the dead, I was fiending for some ear plugs at this point (showing my age, I know).
MONEY SHOT! Did I at all feel dirty lusting after Jordan's shirtless scene? HELL NO I didn't........
Monday, November 10, 2008
Date Night! Mikey and I are going to see New Kids On The Block!!!!
Woo hoo! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Tonight is NKOTB night y'all! Granted, I may have to kill Mike before our actual date night occurs (he's convinced he has, I told him to talk to you about what shingles really feel like. Some at work are daring to call Mikey a hypochondriac...hmmm....). I'm sure NKOTB is gonna be some good times....I'm gonna have flashbacks to the first time I saw them...I was 12 or 13, I don't really remember, and it was at the old Arena. Mom and Aunt Jan took my sister and I. It was a fantastic day, and I remember my mother and Aunt Jan lusting after Dino, the opening act. Whatever happened to that guy???? Remember his song "that's the way (uh huh, uh huh) I like it (uh huh, uh huh)? Classic.
And now for my guilt trip of the week. Listen up fam, because I'm talking to you. Yes, that's right I sat alone, in the cold, at the Florissant Veteran's Day parade yesterday so that I could see Grandpa in the back of a pickup truck for about ten seconds. Where were you? Those living outside of the STL metro area are exempt from my guilt trip. Grandpa saw me so I know he knows I was there (totally scoring myself some brownie points, I did not, however, have dinner with him and the Hooters girls afterwards....). I arrived in Florissant at noon as Grandpa told me that's when the parade started. As I pulled up to my usual spot at the bowling alley, I saw no parade-like activity. I started to question whether or not I had the right day when it occurred to me that I had to pee. So, I drove the few blocks over to Grandpa's house (hey, I have a key! Don't you worry about my breaking in), used the little girls room then discovered Grandpa's Halloween candy stash-bonus! While loading up on sugar, I noticed that Grandpa had left himself a note on the table detailing his day's activities (he always does this, keeps him organized) when I noticed that it appeared the parade didn't actually start until 1pm...nice Grandpa, thanks for that....So, I sat and watched the Rams game for a bit (what a monstrosity THAT was....yikes), then headed back out into the cold (39 degrees at parade start time).....anywho, here are some pics from the parade:
I'm not gonna lie, I spent most of the weekend doing nothing. Saturday I only changed out of my jammies long enough to go get some food, otherwise, I didn't leave the house. It was blissful. Friday night I did go to a brief happy hour with Tanya and Allison, we weren't out late, but it was good to catch up with those girls. It is now Monday again, I don't know how that keeps on happening. No matter, I have SEVEN more working days until I go on vacation. I'm not at all excited about that.
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