Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day......GO VOTE!

Election Day has led me to my latest rant-OLD PEOPLE. Here is what I'd like to see-all old, retired people should not be allowed to go to the polls until after 9:00am. This should be a LAW. That way, the rest of us who HAVE TO GO TO WORK can actually get in and do our civic duty. I mean, I resisted the urge to elbow and push the blue hairs in front of me so as to ensure I got to work on time. In the end, I did get to work on time, but still, it was an hour's worth of aggravation I'd rather not have had. And don't get me started on the dude running for governor of Missouri, Kenny Hulsoff. What self-respecting grown man goes by "Kenny"? That's my dad's name and I'm pretty sure he stopped going by "Kenny" when he was like 12. I'm just sayin......

So, I FINALLY got a good night's sleep last night. After about a week of tossing and turning, this old gal finally just passed out. It was beautiful. I spent the evening watching Dancing With The Stars-LOVED the group that did the paso doble-it was awesome! I then watched my other Monday night staples, Samantha Who and The Hills (I mean, DUH! It was awesome-Heidi got fired for going to work drunk!) and then headed to bed. This morning, I awoke early so as to head to the above mentioned polls to cast my vote and now here I am at work again. And I just heard one of our doctors say "joe blow" which, for some reason, makes me giggle. My boss tells me she was bragging about what a good job I'm doing to our Clinical Director, which almost makes the horrendous stress worth it (notice I said "almost"). What's getting me through is the fact that after Nov 19, I don't have to come back to work until Dec 1. Now THAT is a beautiful thing.

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