Monday, September 10, 2007

Music to my ears........

I received an email with the following title today:

Weezer in the studio: Album 6 due in 2008!
OMG, I am so excited! As you all know, Weezer is my absolute favorite band in the entire world. Rumor had it they had broken up, but apparently it's not true....Rivers Cuomo will be rocking my world again soon.............. :)


Anonymous said...

I read that a couple of months ago and was pretty happy to hear it.

I also got a similar buzz a couple of days ago when I heard the Counting Crows were reissuing their first album with 5 extra tracks and a bonus live CD AND coming out with a new album in November.

KD said...

Oh Canada, it's like reliving our college years..... :)

Anonymous said...

Now we just need Mike L. playing guitar, Heath hiding pot in my room, Deven singing (and dancing) Michael Jackson and James balancing

KD said...

I wonder if James made a career out of that juggling/balancing thing...he WAS really good at it....I remember Deven was always singing Smashing Pumpkins....and let's not forget Uriah whistling the Jeopardy theme song EVERY DAY!