Monday, September 17, 2007

My brother loves Matchbox 20

Why is it that every time I turn around, it's Monday? Is that some kind of weird cosmic thing? I don't know-will look into it further and let you know.

Hey-next time you see my little brother, ask him about his apparent fondness for Huey Lewis and the News as well as Matchbox 20 (that Rob Thomas is a BAD ASS!). I made fun of him mercilessly for that.....

Busy, busy week coming up. Tonight is my only free night as I will be at the crisis line the next two nights and on Thursday night I am hosting Book Club-yay! I'm not working on Friday (gotta love those random days off!), so I am heading to Salem to meet my mom for lunch and to hang with the fam for the weekend. Plus it's my baby brother's birthday on Friday-turning 24, can you believe it? It's sad that I actually remember when he was born, I mean, I was almost 8 after all. I remember that Grandma B took Red and myself to Wal-Mart and bought us all sorts of treats (including grape bubble gum!) so that we wouldn't be too jealous of the new baby....oh, I totally dug my new little brother. That is, until he was about 4 months old and I was celebrating my 8th birthday with my little friends-I had a slumber party and all was going well until my friends decided playing with the cute baby was more fun than playing with me. Now, in Tim's defense, he was a freakishly cute kid (it's true!), but still, I was pissed at that point (in all my 2nd grade glory....). I may still not be over it......naaaaaah.....I love that kid! :)

In my quest to not mention the Cubs as much, I am trying my best to not write about the Cubs, so, I will consciously try to not think about writing about the Cubs too much, I will censor any posts that mention the Cubs too much, I will just think about the Cubs in my head and will stop talking about the Cubs or anything Cub-like.....this is my solemn vow to you, John Q. Public.


Anonymous said...

I seem to recall a certain someone (who will remain nameless . . . but is scared of clowns and butterflies) going nuts over the first Matchbox 20 CD back in the day.

KD said...

yes, Canada, but I'm a GIRL. It is socially acceptable for a girl to like them, not so much a manly man. Get what I'm saying? :)

Anonymous said...

You mean you're not a manly man???

I'll stick up for your brother here, "Yourself or Someone Like You" was a great album and while the stuff they have put out since then hasn't been as good, they still come up with an occassional good song.

KD said...

Oh are such a funny, funny boy..... :)