Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Now I get it

I finally get why there are so many people addicted to prescription pain medication. It's so easy to obtain. It's actually a bit frightening. I went to my oral surgeon's office today for a follow up appointment, had to make sure everything was healing correctly. The first thing the nurse/assistant/chickie said to me was "do you need any more pain meds?". Not, "how have you been feeling?" or "are you still in any pain?" but "do you need any more pain meds?". Now, I could have very easily said yes and scored myself another script. I mean, I've already got some Darvocet at home and that script for Loritab, why not add another. But the fact of the matter is-I don't need it. I politely declined her offer (does that make me stupid? Don't answer that), my oral surgeon came in, said I'm healing perfectly and told me he doesn't need to see me again (which kinda felt like a breakup....abandonment issues, anyone?).

Anyhoo....didn't watch American Idol last night. I know, I know, my public will be upset that I didn't provide them with my weekly commentary, but eh...just not feelin it. Sorry.

My Cubbies won last night and the Cardinals lost-always a good equation in my book. ;) The Cubbies have Ted Lilly pitching tonight which makes me feel good about their chances of winning. I mean, it's TedsDay for God's sake. If by some odd chance he doesn't pitch well tonight, he can always beat your ass (right Yadier Molina?). So, either way, it's win/win. Me loves myself some Ted Lilly.

I'm kinda just cruisin' until next week....I get to see my sis, brother-in-law and my beyond cute niece, my brother is graduating next weekend, there's fine family fun to be had....looking forward to it! I'm working at my part-time job the rest of the week (yay?), my Canuck is out of the country for the next two and a half weeks (leaving a void in my day....I already miss his emails...). I'm gonna have to find other ways to entertain myself........

1 comment:

rp said...

Wait . . . you WILLINGLY didn't watch American Idol??? I think it's too late, the pain meds have taken their toll.