Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Aren't doctors supposed to know these things?

Uh, we have a doctor here at work today who is hurling his guts up. Don't you think, of all people, he should know that he needs to go home? But oh no, he's staying. Now listen here doc, I swear to God if I get the swine flu from you I'm gonna have to kill ya (if the piggies don't kill me first), I'm just sayin......

It's too early to get too excited, but my Cubbies have won four in a row. Me likey. I also like the fact that Ryan Theriot is all of a sudden channeling Barry Bonds and is hitting homer like, daily. Rumors are now running rampant that the itty, bitty Riot is juicing...how else could you explain such a phenomenon? I mean, seriously?

T-minus two days until I get the pleasure of having teeth ripped out of my head. Yep, it's wisdom tooth removal time and I couldn't be more excited (and by "excited" I actually mean "terrified beyond belief"). The only blessing is that I will be knocked out, blissfully unaware of what's happening to me. I will then be cared for by my Aunt Cheryl for the day/night, doped up on some opiate, oblivious to the pain and the world around me. Life could be worse, I guess. :)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm in search of a mask to ward off germs and lots of hand sanitizer. No piggie flu (or any other flu for that matter) for me. And Dr. Sicky, please GO HOME.


ern said...

what day do you want me to bring you a frosty?

KD said...

Oh yea Ern, I forgot! I will keep you posted...if I'm feeling ok on Friday, I'm going to Salem. However, if I'm still feeling like crapola, I'll be home all weekend, so I'll let ya know! :)

ern said...

aw, man, i'm gonna be in Iowa but won't leave until Saturday am so could bring you a frosty on Friday night. Let me know!