Friday, May 15, 2009

Kerri Davidson: Reporter/Classifieds

It's official, good ol' KD is now a reporter. Of what, you may ask? Well I'll tell you, I, Kerri M Davidson am now a reporter for the St Louis UBH "Monthly Matters" newsletter (which Dr. J says the title reminds her of ladies "monthly matters"...if you catch her drift). It's a very prestigious position, many are jealous of the kind of power I am now gonna command. I hear the St. Louis Post-Dispatch may be calling....or Time Magazine. It's pretty big stuff kids. Big stuff indeed.

Ok, truth behind this story-my work decided they'd start a newsletter. Somehow, word got around that I like to write and voila I end up on the committee. My first mistake was missing the first meeting because guess what duty I got relegated to doing? Yep, that's right, writing our very own Classified Ad section, similar to Craigslist, people at my work can now peddle their crap through me. Yay. I guess any great writer has to start at the bottom, right? Right??????


ern said...

kudos on your first edition. that whole old electric fan/lawnmower entry was fascinating. can't wait for the next edition. however, i can't help but notice that your picture in fact did not accompany your list. good job, kerr!

KD said...

Damn straight Ern! I did NOT want my picture in there! Did u see the pic w/me and Michelle Y Brooks though? It's tiny, so I allowed it.

did our first edition bring tears to your eyes? I'm thinking I may get the Pulitzer prize this year....

ern said...

i saw that pic. i'm thinking you will win one. i'm telling you the old electric fans/lawnmower bit was magical. the baby bassinet entry almost brought a tear to me eye. sure to grab a pulitzer...

KD said...

Thank you Ern. I'll sign your copy if you'd like. No charge.