Friday, October 08, 2010

My niece is 18 months old today!

Whatchu lookin at, auntie?

My little sweetie is 18 months old today....can you believe that? How did that happen? Let me tell you, this is a FUN age. I mean, sure, she's a bit sassy (I mean, duh. It's genetic, she can't help it.), but she's also so funny and silly and smart and fascinating. I just love to watch her and often wonder what's going on in that head of hers. Of course, as the aunt, I think she's brilliant....and the most beautiful child I've ever seen....because she is. Kendall knows 40 words now and while some are difficult to interpret, others (like "Dora") are clear as day. She has developed a newfound love for Elmo, still likes Dora and REALLY loves being outside, picking flowers...or rocks...or whatever. She's a nature girl. She is a huge Rams fan (we assume) and is a VERY healthy eater (I'm not kidding, I've seen her eat more than the adults at the table...not sure where she puts it because she's a tiny little thing). She cracks herself up and, in the process, makes you laugh....even on your worst day. She likes to talk on the phone....and there is nothing cuter than hearing her tell you "bye bye" on the phone. Nothing. Melts my heart. Yes, it's safe to say I love this kid. I'm not even a huge kid person-they make me nervous...but Kendall? I could be around her all day every day and never get tired of it. I'm a pretty proud auntie!
Happy 18 month birthday munchkin!

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