Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Brian Wilson fan club?

OMG, I am so excited. I had no idea! As has been documented on this blog, I have developed a bit of a fascination with Giants closer, Brian Wilson. I think the guy is hilarious. So, imagine my surprise today when I was talking to my friend Julie (about work) and my co-worker Kathy came by to talk about Brian Wilson's beard (if you haven't seen it, google it). As we were talking, another co-worker chimed in "are you talking about Mr Wilson? Hellooooo, he's hot". I had no idea that others were as fascinated by him as I am. We then began talking about all his nuttiness and how he's single and how I should "get up on that" (not my quote). He's certifiably, you know, totally my type.

Anyhoo, if you haven't seen them, you need to see his Life of Brian webisodes that are out there. I'm talking laugh out loud funny. Particularly the webisode "Five things to know about Brian Wilson", I almost peed my pants when he got to #5. Seriously. And his rant about room service at the hotels while out on the road. Also, you need to google his many interviews with Chris Rose. The one with the S&M guy in the background is freakin hilarious. As are his antics with his dog, Dubz (yes, spelled with a z). There's also an interview out there with Jim Rome that's pretty darn funny....he rattled Mr. Rome who I think may not have a sense of humor.

So, in light of this, I think I may be changing my original plan to cheer for the Phillies to win, you know, so I can see this guy a bit more often (and for the record, I don't think he's hot or anything, but sarcasm and silliness go a long way with me). That, and well, the Giants are already up 3 games to 1.

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