Monday, September 28, 2009

Bebe Con Queso/Auntie Kerri visits baby Kendall-Sept '09

As you all know, I love, love, LOVE my niece! She is the greatest thing in the world. I went to visit her, and my sister and brother-in-law this past weekend and we all had such a good time! As my sister and I arrived at her house Thursday night, I was figuring I wouldn't get to see Kendall that night since it was 8pm and that's her bed time, but as I walked through the door, I saw this gorgeous smiling baby from across the room...she stayed up to welcome her Aunt Kerri to her home (VERY hospitable, huh?).

On Friday, I got Miss Kendall all to myself as her mommy and daddy went to work. We had a great morning. Kendall played, slept and ate. We took a walk and Kendall tried to "pet" the dog, Chloe (it's more like grabbing a handful of her fur which Chloe really doesn't dig....). My sis came home from work early and we headed out to Babies-R-Us for some much needed baby supplies. Seems baby girl had a bit of a cold and was all congested. She had been fine all morning but by the afternoon was zoning out and when we got her back home, we discovered she had a low grade fever. Aunt Kerri got to witness Kendall's first illness! Uhm, yay?
she wanted this toy she put the whole thing on her lap. Look at her sitting up like a big girl! Only 5 1/2 months old!
happy girl!
Sooooo pretty. Look at those big blue eyes!
Kendall in her exer-saucer.
VERY busy.....she's not talking yet, but she does growl at everything-it's very cute. Her daddy likes to growl back and they have their very own conversation......

So cute! She LOVES her Jumparoo. She'd jump in that thing for hours if she could. She mastered the power jump while I was there-the whole thing was shaking she jumped so hard. She, of course, thought it was funny.
Man, I've had a rough day!
Kid plays hard....and sleeps hard too.
Kendall tried baby food for the first time on Friday night....she looked a little confused at first, but turns out the summer squash was a hit!
My favorite pic from the weekend. Kendall is sitting like a big girl in the booth with her auntie and her mama! (this is where the title "bebe con queso" came may have had something to do with the frozen margaritas swirled with sangria.....)
check out the look of concentration as she attempted to avoid eating her oatmeal....
a day of shopping is HARD work!

Kendall sat in a big girl high chair for the first time on Sat...we, of course, took pics.
such a smiley (and drooly) girl
LOVE this. Kendall watching TV with her daddy. She wasn't so much digging what was on (Finding Nemo) so she changed the channel....
Kendall and her big sis, Chloe
me with my favoritest baby girl EVER!


Jen Estes said...

OMG! I am rolling over the "Man, I've had a rough day!" pic!

What a cute, cute cutie!

KD said...

I know! It is so funny! She cracks me up.

Now, if I could just figure out how to upload these videos onto here...I have some great ones of her.

J.J. said...

My favorite is the "Hey this isn't milk!" look when she got baby food for the first time. She is soooo cute in all of the pictures though it's hard to pick a favorite!

KD said...

Thanks JJ! I took about a million more pics, but these were my favorites. Next time I see her will be Thanksgiving, she'll be almost 8 months old then! Time sure does fly.... :)