Tuesday, September 01, 2009

PTSD-one survivor's true story

I'm seriously traumatized, people. I mean seriously.

So, last weekend, I had an unfortunate mishap. One that I can still hear, can still see and still cry about. One that makes me feel anxious every time I think about it. The mishap is this: a dog committed suicide by running into my car. Now, I know technically I hit it, but it really did run straight at my car, so by calling it a suicide mission, it makes me slightly better able to deal with it.

True story. So, I was driving down Arsenal with my Mikey in tow. I was politely driving the speed limit (I know I was....everyone says I drive like an old grandma), when out of nowhere, this dog came running at my car on the drivers side. I didn't have any time to react. By the time I did, the damage was done (in more ways than one). I'll spare you the details as it is seriously one of the most horrible things that's ever happened to me.

People ask me "what happened to the dog?". I tell them, "well, if you saw the size of the dent in my car, you'd have your answer". Yes, there is a rather large dent in my front bumper as well as two cracks (I mean, the dog hit me HARD). I'm taking my car in tomorrow to get it fixed, the poor pooch caused $800 worth of damage (thank GOD for car insurance, huh?).

Sure, it sucks having to get my car fixed,but truly, I have felt horrible all week about that poor dog. In fact, now every time I see a dog, I start tearing up. I even cried in Walgreens on Sunday when I was talking to my mom about it. I am heartbroken over this poor dog and the fact that I killed it. I know it was an accident, but that doesn't stop me from replaying the event in my mind over and over and over again. Seriously-traumatized.

Here's hoping Skip over at Central Auto Body can make my car look as good as new (well, if you ignore the 3 cracks in my windshield it may look as good as new....). And here's hoping I have no more mishaps....especially as I'll be driving a rental car for the rest of the week.

It's always something, isn't it?

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