Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unintentional bulimia

My advice for the day-do not ever, under any circumstances, eat Long John Silvers on an empty stomach. I advise you of this for your own good. Not to be too graphic, but I'll just say this in two words: projectile vomiting. You're welcome for the visual.

The good news, thanks to my unintentional bulimia, I am now down 8 pounds! Woot! Woot! I think it has more to do with my hardcore workouts than it does my one night of purging, but, hey, I'll take it any way I can get it. I was able to jog-without stopping or slowing to walk-for TWO WHOLE MILES last night! Yay! And, in the process, I shaved a whole minute off my time (which is still embarrassingly high, but whatever. Baby steps, right?). I'm pretty proud of myself considering I am, quite possibly, the laziest person in America. Maybe even the world. Certainly at least in the Western Hemisphere. I'm thinking the reason that the LJS made me so sick is that I haven't eaten fast food in weeks, apparently my system couldn't handle all that grease. It's a shame too, because I love myself some LJS's, but, after last night, will probably not be able to eat it again. All good things must come to an end...........

Big plans for the weekend? I'm heading down to my own personal retreat, AKA mom and dad's house-my favorite place to relax and unwind....and get away from stress and drama. My parents live at the end of a county gravel road, in the middle of the woods. It is so peaceful there, well, except for the times when their 80 pound dog, Hank, tries to sit in your lap. That is not so much peaceful as it is, well, painful. He's slightly mentally retarded though, so it's not really his fault.

BOOK RECOMMENDATION-just finished reading Chelsea Handler's Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea. Hilarious! She is so snarky and bitchy-makes me look nice.

And in today's edition of "KD's Sad Life", I am proud to announce that I get to see my niece two weeks from today! YAY! Sure hope she's over that whole teething thing by the time I get there.....


kristy said...

I still don't understand why that makes you "sad". Shouldnt you be excited to see your only niece? People are dumb.

In other news, I sometimes crave the LJS too and usually have to think about the consequences before I cave. :)

Can't wait to see you!

kristy said...

One more thing...if I had a blog (oh wait, I do...its been abandoned!), it would totally be all about my baby and my dog. I guess that makes me a loser too. This is very immature of me, but I would like to tell 'those people' to suck it!

erin said...

I concur, Kristy!

KD said...

yea, sis, what ever happened to your blog??? you haven't updated it in like 2 years! ;)

and i agree w/everything else you just said......

Blue said...

I like Long John Slivers.
KD, your parents place sound perfect for a telescope and some star gazing.

KD said...

Oooo, Blue that sounds like a great idea! I actually used to have a telescope when I was a kid. It's definitely a great place to star gaze-you don't have the haze of the city, so you can actually see the stars! :) I can see it now, sitting on the front porch, nothing but peace and quiet....and that giant 80 pound dog on my lap... ;)

Blue said...

Hey KD, at least that big 80 pound dog can keep you