Friday, September 18, 2009

Other people are annoying

I have come to realize that most of my blog material comes from my commutes to and from work. LOTS of material there. Take for instance, what I witnessed this morning. I was driving down Forest Park Parkway (for those not in the STL, this is a 4 lane road-2 each way-where folks drive like it's the Indy 500 even though the speed limit is 40), minding my own business, drinking my Diet Dr. Pepper, when this lady in an old rusty Ford Explorer (that should have been traded in during the Cash for Clunkers thing), comes right up on my ass, decides I'm not going fast enough (even though there were several cars RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME-it's not like I could go any faster), and swerves around, passing me on the right ( Gasp! Oh no, not that!). She then proceeds to speed on down, only to be stopped at a red light, you know, getting REAL far. I was right behind her at this point and I couldn't help but notice all the God, Jesus and cross bumper stickers she had all over the back of her car. Now, I'm not at all against said bumper stickers, but what I am against is someone who drives like an A-HOLE also being someone who professes to be all God-like. Is it just me, or is that an oxymoron? I mean, sure, some bad drivers will probably make it to Heaven, but come on. This lady is just another example of the a-holes that roam this Earth. If folks like her would just go away, that'd be great.

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