Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beer: The only way to get through a Cubs game this season.

Yes, Cubs fans, it's been a rough season. One that I really stopped caring about roughly at the beginning of August. Yet, I still love those damn Cubs. No matter how many times they've broken my heart, I still love those stupid bastards. Particularly painful is watching them play the Cardinals....mortal enemies and the team that's gonna win OUR division. I can't even be mad at the Cards though. Ya know why? Because they played WELL this season and honestly, deserve to win the NL Central. Not that I like it one little bit, mind you.

So, Erin and I embarked on our last game of the season. We had pre-game festivities at the Tin Can (where yes, all beer comes in a can. Ingenious, huh?). I had a LOT of fun yesterday, even though the Cubbies lost 2-1. Demp pitched a great game, going eight strong innings and only giving up 1 run-a homerun to that douche with the porn stache, Brendan Ryan. The Cubbies managed to tie it in the 9th thanks to a Jeff Baker sac fly (with Hoffy scoring the run). But alas, it was not to be. Marm decided to be Craptastic Marm yesterday and our "closer" let the Cards win. BIG SIGH. Anyhooo......hope you enjoy the pics!
Like a good Cubs fan, I had to have myself some Old Style. Later I also had some 312, which is a Goose Island brew (all you Chicago-ites know what I'm talkin about!)
KD's product endorsement....actually I was super stoked to FINALLY be able to put my hair in braids-my favorite baseball 'do. I had to wait for my layers to grow out, waited damn near the whole season but finally got to sport them yesterday. :)

LMAO! Erin and I met up with our friends Freida and Judy and decided to stage some photos of Cubs and Cards fans fighting each other. Here, we have Erin and I "beating up" Freida. Love it!
What is up with the douchebag in the Pujols cape???
YAY! I got to see Micah Hoffpauir play! My favorite sexy Cubbie. And he was in right field-the side we sat on! LOVE IT!yes, this would be Hoffy bending over. You're welcome, ladies.
The Hoffy and Pujols bootie shots. Not too bad.......
The only Cardinal I will ever love. Call me, Skip! ;)
Ladies, I know it's hard to see him in Dirty Bird red, but you can't deny he is one HOT man!
Speaking of hot....I love you Hoffy!
I think this really describes the season in a nutshell. Lazy, not paying attention and not caring.
Uhm, Busch Stadium officials, I hate to break it to you, but fireworks don't so much work when it's daylight. Just sayin.
Now here's some nice booty shots, D Lee and Skip Schumaker.....yum.
Look at Hoffy's stats (Ok, ignore the avg), he was 2-2!
Me and Erin in our Cubbie blue!
Skip is HOT.
Jen! Look how bald our Rami is!!!! No matter, he's still is that tall drink of water next to him.....
The dejected Cubs bullpen after Marm gregged the game. Boo.
'nuff said.
My favorite pic. Erin and I didn't get to use our "W" flag all season. So, at our last game, we decided to use it anyway!


J.J. said...

THanks for the pics of our boys KD, and your hair is CUTE in braids!

LMAO at that douche in the cape. WTF? You would not catch a Cubs fan dead in a cape of any kind. Even one with a #30 on it. :-)

Jen Estes said...

LMAO at the cape! Oh, Cards fans...even when the Cubs lose, YOU provide us endless amusement.

Shoulda known you'd find a way to have fun despite the horrendous weekend, KD! :D

Jen Estes said...

Chrome Dome Rami!!! Oh well, I guess that's my type! Mr. Jen started prematurely balding when he was still prematurely 24.

KD said...

You know, sitting through Cubs games this season is WAY more tolerable w/beer.

Bald is beautiful...I lust after Skip Schumaker, and while he actually has hair, he shaves his head. Maybe Rami should start shaving his head a la Reed Johnson??? :)

Jen Estes said...

There was a period of Rami shaving his head several years was not good. (Maybe I can find you a pic via my stalker files.) Of course, that was when he was chubbier so maybe now that he's trim it wouldn't look so bad.

But Reed with a shaved head? YummY!

KD said...

your stalker files-LMAO!!!! I love it. Rami was looking especially delicious last night. Bald or not. Yea, maybe now that he's not chunky Rami the bald look would be ok? Hmmm.....