Tuesday, September 08, 2009

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? An open letter to C, V, J and H:

Since you are apparently reading my blog, making fun of me and think I'm a loser, let me send you a little message:


Must make you feel really good about yourselves to make fun of me, huh? Because your lives are so f**king perfect? Please.

I have never, EVER, been more hurt in my entire life. Y'all should be really proud of yourselves. This hurts more than my abusive ex-boyfriend. Congrats.


Jen Estes said...

KD, as you are painfully aware, some people are just assholes. That's it. Blah, blah, jealousy, small-minds, their own inadequacies...it boils down to JUST ASSHOLES. I can't figure out why anyone would make fun of you, your blog, your awesome taste in baseball players - unless it's His Royal Fatness (and then, let's face it, we've got that coming). If you feel like it, come chitchat later and we'll try being assholes too. ;)

KD said...

thanks Jen. It was actually one of my supposed closest friends. Caught red-handed talking shit about me--hey dumb asses, next time you're talking shit make sure the person you're talking about isn't ATTACHED TO THE EMAIL.

To everyone-apparently I am a giant loser because I don't go out partying 3-4 nights a week (last time I checked, we should have outgrown that mess a few years ago) and because I put my family before myself. Well, gosh, if that makes me a loser then guilty as charged. I'd tell you some of the other things that were said, but quite honestly, it's freakin disgusting and I will not repeat their words.

I realize that people only make fun of others when they are completely insecure about themselves and/or their own lives are so damn boring that they have nothing better to do. It's pretty freakin sad.

One foolish act has ended an 11 year friendship. I can forgive, but I will never forget.

Jen Estes said...

That is just awful! Frankly, I wouldn't think anyone that stupid would have any business talking shit about ANYONE. I've been there too - had a few old acquaintances that I had to let go, as they too never seemed to leave the days of high school & college (and seemed to resent me for not acting like a 19-year-old anymore). It seemed sad to close that chapter but honestly, it was such a big weight lifted off my shoulders. Life's too short to deal with people like that.

KD said...

It's pretty pathetic. Makes me wonder what else they've said about me through the years. My favorite part is that, once caught, she tried to mask it as concern for me. Puh-lease. Even sadder, these people are PUSHING 40 and act like a bunch of damned teenagers.

Agreed, life is too short. They lose in the end because I am truly a loyal friend, would have always had their back, but once I'm burned like that, I'm done.

Heather said...
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