Monday, January 04, 2010

A numbers game

Let me throw out some numbers for ya:

5. It was 5 degrees this morning. FIVE. As in ONE digit. With a wind chill of -20. That's mother effin cold.

1 and 15. Your 2009-10 St. Louis Rams finished the season 1-15 yesterday. 1-15. Seriously. I honestly didn't think things could get any worse than last season at 2-14. Clearly, the Rams proved me wrong. At least now they get the #1 draft pick. Don't F it up.

12th place. That's where your St. Louis Blues stand in the Western Conference currently. Personally, I think they're lucky to rank that high. They.are.terrible. Maybe firing the coach will end up being a good thing, only time will tell.

4. That's how many more work days we have left this week. Damn, I hate working 5 days a week......

8. That's how many more months we have until our family vaca at the beach. And, yes, I already have my PTO request in at work. I'm nothing if not organized when it comes to requesting time off.

0-that's the number of minutes I wish I was working today.


Blue said...

Hi KD, hope your weekend was great.
So what beach are ya'll vacationing at?
Hey just for fun I started a playlist for us to add music to if you feel like it. Plus you can check out my music.
Just something to do and pass the time with...check it out.

KD said...

Hey Blue!

I'll have to check your playlist out when I get home-seems that sight is on the "forbidden" list here at work.... :)

I believe we are going to Gulf Shores, Alabama. Family friendly and a tolerable drive from MO (it's like 10-12 hours, i don't really remember).

Blue said...

Wow, Gulf Shores is really nice, I went there a few times when I was in Pensacola.
Add whatever music you like the the playlist, I would like to know what yours and Jens taste in music
By the way yesterday I saw a house that had like 8 Christmas inflatables in the yard, the really big ones....half inflated and half not.

J.J. said...

OK, it's time for all those holiday inflatbles to be as deflated as Cubs fans in October and put away. Mr. JJ and I spent a quiet New Year's eve at home, since it's our anniversary we try not to go out. Had our final Christmas with his sister yesterday and can now get back to eating stuff that's good for me.

2010 would be a great year to win the series!!

Jen Estes said...

Hi KD - my number: 103, which is my temperature. Yes, still sick. Finally got in to the doctor's - strep mofo'ing throat AND a cold. Woohoo, 2010 rocks! Okay, I'm off to die now.

KD said...

Oh Jen, you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! Please don't die. I thought you were gonna say that 103 is the minimum number of years it will be before the Cubs win the World Series. Well......

Blue-I have one word for ya-Weezer. ;)

JJ-HI! Happy New year and happy anniversary!