Friday, January 01, 2010

It's 2010! Wow.

Here we are, it's 12:01am, it's officially 2010 and yes, my friends, I am blogging. Some may see this is sad, but I don't. I mean, come on, I just got home from work after a 14.5 hour day, give me a break. And I'm too damn old to be out partyin' on New Years.

The friggin fireworks are already irritating me and it's barely past midnight. I give you south St. Louis hoosiers until 1:00am to get all your noise out of your system. Anything after that is fair game-I reserve the right to turn into the crabby old lady neighbor that calls the cops on the annoying neighbor kids. Got it? Good.

I do want to sincerely wish everyone (even the annoying fireworks neighbors) a very happy 2010. I hope this is the best year yet! I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to see my niece grow and go from a baby to a toddler, and I'm super hopeful that my sis and her fam are able to move away from friggin Texas this year (fingers crossed, fingers crossed!), I'm excited to go on vacation with my family in August, I even can't wait to see what challenges my job(s) bring me. Yes, I feel like 2010 will be a good year. Who knows, maybe I'll even be ready to put myself back on the dating market and see what's out there......... ;)

I was gonna write some sappy manifesto about the highs and lows of 2009, but I don't think it's necessary. It was an overall good year, and I'm gonna choose to focus on the positive. I'm not making any resolutions this year (because, why set myself up for failure?), rather I'm just gonna try to live my life the way God wants me to and be the best daughter, sister, aunt, friend, employee, frienemy, professional athelete stalker, and sarcasm queen I can be!



Blue said...

Happy New Years my friend....not sure if I'm going to make it to 2010, let this be the Cubs season.

Jen Estes said...

Happy New Year, KD!

KD said...

Happy New Year guys! :) Blue, I sure hope you're right!