Monday, January 11, 2010

We're talkin 'bout a HEAT WAVE!

Whew, I almost went to work in my flip flops this morning. It's a balmy 33 degrees outside today! Holla! I even had to turn my trusty electric blanket down to medium as I woke up sweating (and missing my socks, hmmmm.....). Not sure how long this "heat wave" will last, but I dig it.

So, my poor baby car is now in the hands of Skip and the boys at Central Auto Body. Be good to Sunny boys. Have you ever been to Enterprise Rental Car on a Monday morning? I don't recommend it. One word-BUSY. The good news is, my rental car for the week is a Mazda 3....which is what I drive. I hate driving rental cars, but at least I'm driving something I'm familiar with (this one is a 2010 model and pretty freakin nice. Me and my 2006 model may have to break up).

I just had the realization that I have a three day weekend coming up. Seems we're off next Monday for MLK Day. I plan to celebrate by sleeping in and then playing Farmville all day on Facebook. Power to the people.

Is it baseball season yet? I'm bored. The Blues suck, I could care less about the football playoffs and I hate basketball. What is a girl to do? The Cubs continue to sign people I've never heard of so really, I'm not even all that excited about the baseball season. I did have a giggle yesterday as I read the headline on the sports page here in St. Louis. It said something to the effect of "Cardinals are clear favorite in NL Central this year". Yea......good luck with that Cardinals. A certain team from the northside of Chicago was the pre-favorite the last two seasons, and you see where that title got them......Actually, this declaration of the Cards being the team to beat is good for the Cubs if you ask me. No pressure. Just go out and play some damn baseball already. And could someone ensure that eye candy Micah Hoffpauir makes the team as a bench player. If it's gonna be a long summer of losing, I want to at least have something to look at. Thanks.


Blue said...

Wow, I bet you are burning up't forget the sunblock.
Hey so McGwire admitted to using roids, is that even being covered by the press there?

KD said...

he finally admitted it, huh? I haven't heard anything about it, but then again, I don't pay a lot of attention to the local media...only read the paper yesterday b/c i was at grandpa's house and there was nothing else to do-ha!

excuse me while I get my flip flops and tank tops's gonna hit 40 tomorrow! LOL!

Blue said...

I just read it on yahoo. Not that it's a big surprise or anything since the entire baseball world knew he was juicing.
Don't forget your lemonade for that swelterning heat.