Thursday, January 21, 2010

1, 2, 3, Peter, Paul and Mary

Dumbest lyric in the history of the world.....or damn near close. Are you familiar with Britney Spears' song "3" that is about, well, a threesome? The above referenced lyric is in that song and is nothing short of stupid. Do "three" and "Mary" even really rhyme? And who wants to see a threesome between Peter, Paul and Mary anyway? The more I think about it, the dumber the lyric gets.

Why can't celery be more user friendly? I mean, seriously. The stringiness has got to go. I have been eating celery and peanut butter as of late (which is weird because separately, I really don't like them, but together? Not half bad.) That, and there is no quiet way to eat raw celery. That shit is CRUNCHY. I'm sitting here eating it right now and I'm fairly certain I'm disturbing my co-workers with my crunching. Sorry guys!

So, taking a look at the calendar, I realized today that I have PTO time coming up in each of the next four months. HOLLA! In February (my birth month and national month of mourning), I am heading down to Texas to see that precious niece of mine (and my sis and brother-in-law too!). This is through March 1. In April, I'll be seeing my niece yet again for her 1st birthday (can't wait for that!) and in May, my friend Erin and I are heading to Chi-town to see our Cubbies at Wrigley-we even get to go to two games instead of one! YAY! I'm very excited-it's been three years since I've been to Wrigley-WAY too long. June and July have no planned days off.....yet. August I will be off for just over a week for our big fam vaca. I LOVE TIME OFF! Not that my employer makes it easy to get days off, however. New rule-on Mondays and Fridays, no more than two people can be off-excuse me? Between 16 people, that's kinda hard to do. On the middle days of the week, no more than three can be off. So....everyone has been scrambling to get their time off approved, hence why I already have days scheduled all the way into August. What a pain in the ass though. For reals.

Ok, gotta get back to my celery and online crossword. I bid you adieu.


Jen Estes said...

Though I don't think she ever has, I suspect that maybe Ms. Spears wrote that song herself.

There is a Public Enemy song that shouts "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" throughout the refrain. It always makes me laugh because obviously they were totally out of ideas. "Hey, how about a random sequence of numbers?"

KD said...

Wait, I actually thought of some other bands that have equally (maybe even greater in some cases) stupid lyrics. They are, in no particular order:

Three Doors Down

Jen Estes said...

Ooh, speaking of. I think I heard Nickelback is coming to STL in April, I assume you've already got us front row seats? Maybe backstage passes...I smell an opportunity for the sock o' nickels!

KD said...

Jen...what's funny about that is that my friend Tabitha sent me an email here at work letting me know about the Nickelback concert here and wanted to know if I wanted her to go ahead and get my ticket when she stood in line overnight for hers. ;) And I did tell her that she'd better come back w/front row seats or someone was getting hurt.

Get your sock full o'nickels (hee hee) ready!

Jen Estes said...

That's hilarious! I heard the commercial for it on a radio station up here and thought of you immediately! Look out Nickelback...

KD said...

I mean, seriously. I'm typically pro-Canadian, but that lead singer dude has got to go. I MIGHT be able to ignore the stupid music if he was hot, but given that he was once voted the ugliest man in music (true story), he doesn't even have that going for him.....

I'll leave you with this:

Look at this photograph
every time I do it makes me laugh
why are our eyes so red?
and what is on Joey's head?

WHAT THE F**K does that even mean???????

Jen Estes said...

LMAO. Not to mention the entire refrain consists of "Oh, oh, oh. Oh, god, I." (Oh, god, you? Oh, god, us - for having to hear this crap on the radio!)

And that's just one song!

So, in our closing argument, nothing to listen to and nothing to look at. The prosecution rests.

KD said...

Yes, and you have no appeal options. Thank you.

J.J. said...

There is one Nickleback song I like to spin to called "Burn it to th gound" - sample lyrics "Get your hands off of my glass, last call my ass" It's about raising hell,so I guess maybe that's why I like it. Anyway, it does get me spinning! I could never listen to an entire concert of Nickleback songs.