Tuesday, January 19, 2010

High Times

I finally have my car back-YAY! Dan at Central Auto Body emailed me yesterday to inform me that they were waiting for the windshield and should have my car ready by Tuesday (today) at the latest. I very politely emailed Dan back and informed him that while I appreciated his prompt response (and by "prompt" I mean not at all prompt-my car had been there for SEVEN days), it would be much more convenient for me, the customer, if my car was ready on Monday as I had the day off. Dan had my car ready by 3:30pm. Sunny (my car) looks brand new! She was shiny and sparkly (waxed and everything) and the bumper was attached! A strange new concept for me. To top it off, after 3.5 years, my windshield was finally crack free. It was a good day in KD's world. Of concern, however, is that as I got into my car to drive away, I noticed the fumes from whatever it is that holds the windshield on were quite strong and giving me headache. In fact, I'm fairly certain I got a contact high. Bitchin. The high continues today, although I'm not sure if the light-headed feeling is from the fumes or the fact that it's now 2pm and all I've had to eat today is Jolly Ranchers and 5 pretzel sticks. Hmmmm....

Anyhoo, I enjoyed my three-day weekend (thanks Dr. MLK, Jr!). I finally started a scrapbook of pics of my niece-I meant to start this when she was born and just kinda keep up with it, but nine months later, the book still lay, not even started. The good news is, once I started I totally got into it and I now have 40 pages completed (I know, right???)....but haven't even started the Thanksgiving or Christmas pics. Better buy another album, huh?

Speaking of my niece, in the course of the last week, not only has she mastered crawling (YAY!) but she can also pull herself up and stand. My sis forwarded us a pic of the little daredevil yesterday-she climbed the ladder to a slide by herself, did a header down the slide, and came up clapping and smiling. She is such a wild little munchkin. The things she is learning now are just so exciting and it's especially fun to see the look on her face when she does something new-she just grins from ear to ear. Makes my heart melt. I get to see her in about five weeks, I'm fairly certain she'll be walking by then. I can't wait to see that. My sister informs me that Chloe, my furry niece is not at all impressed with this newly mobile creature. Stay tuned.

Well, kids, since today is crazy busy at work, I must get back to it. This was my brief 15 minute intermission. Happy Tuesday!


Blue said...

Hi KD, I hope that your high continues...lol
Good to know that you have Sunny back, I'm sure she missed you...lol

KD said...

I kinda miss the fancy schmancy rental but i am glad to have my baby back. :)