Friday, January 29, 2010

Are you f**king kidding me??????

Karma, why do you hate me so? Am I exuding negative energy? Have I wronged someone? Does God hate me too? I'm really not feelin the love........

My car got hit AGAIN. How is this even possible????? I mean, seriously? Isn't there some sort of limit to the car BS one has to face in a six month period? I thought surely I'd already hit my limit, but clearly I was wrong. Some asshole (I'm not even feeling bad about my language today-I'm pissed) sideswiped my car in the middle of the night apparently. My guess is the jackass was drunk, and I'll tell you why. My precious car got the least amount of damage, my poor neighbor's car? Different story. My car's drivers side mirror was backwards when I walked outside this morning (nice way to start your day), luckily it's made of plastic, so I popped it back into place. The actual mirror part was perpendicular (big word, huh?) when it should be vertical, so I moved it back so that I could see. There's a bit of a scratch on the outside, but visibly it looks normal...then I started driving. My mirror now wobbles to the point that I really can't look into it without getting nauseated, but whatever. So, my poor neighbors. The douchebag hit the two cars in front of me-one was up ON the sidewalk, it's whole front end smashed in (just happened to be my neighbor with the gold tooth that always hits on me) and the car in front of that was sideways with its whole back end smashed in. I hate people.

So, I've now decided that I am gonna wrap my entire car in bubble wrap. I'm not sure how much it's gonna take, but I'll head to COSTCO and buy it in bulk if need be. Have I mentioned that I hate people?


Jen Estes said...

Oh KD. I can't believe that. What a pain in the ass. I bet he was drunk too. (*cough* Tony LaRussa? *cough* or anyone on the Cardinals? *cough*)

I take it he (or she, even though we both know it was probably a he) didn't leave a note?

Blue said...

Dang KD, I feel for you my friend, this is unbelievable, not again, gezzzz.

KD said...

And my day has gone from bad to worse....ugh. I pretty much hate everyone right now and I am ONE CRABBY BIATCH. :)
I'm thinking tonight is a skip the gym/eat fast food/People Magazine/jammies on by 5pm kind of night.....

kristy said...

That will make you feel worse! Don't skip the gym, whatever you do...speaking from experience. You will feel better if you take it out on the treadmill...promise!

J.J. said...

I feel for you KD. People are crap!
We have a phrase here at work when something really ticks us off - we say "that really flipped my bitch-switch". Feel free to use that phrase generously. I have some bubble wrap I can send you....

KD said...

Ohhhh, I like that JJ! My bitch-switch was on today....see today's post. :)