Friday, January 08, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside...part deux

Eight degrees. That's today's high. Tonight? -2. The absence of temperature. That's not right. Although, to put this in perspective, I was speaking with staff at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota today (I have a patient there) who basically told me to quit whining because 8 degrees is downright balmy to them. It's like -20 there today (the actual temp, not just wind chill). Even still, me no likey. It is so cold that I'm convinced if you stand outside for longer than a minute and a half YOU WILL DIE.

In other news, my eye is starting to get jacked up AGAIN. I'm now convinced it is a persistent case of dry eye, my only weapon is continually putting fake tear eye drops in my eye. There doesn't appear to be any other treatment for it other than poking your own eyeball out and, at this point, I'd prefer to not have to do that if it can at all be avoided.

If you get the chance to come by my office today, please do. You will see that we are ALL (and by all I mean 120 people) wearing matching shirts today. Yes, that's right, in the name of team unity, we are wearing matching green and white "OptumHealth, St. Louis Team" t-shirts. Yea, we're awesome. Don't hate.

I'm thinking my plans for the weekend will be including NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE ALL WEEKEND. It's too damn cold, folks. I think me and my electric blankie are just gonna sit on the couch for the next two days, watch bad tv and order delivery. Rumor has it we'll be back in double digits by Sunday (a whopping 18 degrees is the predicted high), so, perhaps this super obnoxious cold front is on it's way out.

Please don't freeze to death. Thanks.


Blue said...

So I take it it's a good time to have a pet penguin in Mizzou right about now huh?
Hopefully there isn't a breeze to make it colder.
Sorry to hear about your eye.
Staying home all weekend on a frigid day is a good thing, it's a good time to catch up on some cheezy SyFy movies, maybe Mansquito will be

KD said...

well, by wearing our matching shirts today at work, we're now getting free pizza for lunch. Guess looking like a bunch of fools was worth it!

Blue, I'm thinking there will be no Mansquito for me. But perhaps a Discovery Health Channel marathon....Or "E"....or "HGTV"....

Blue said...

Free pizza is always good, maybe they'll throw in some funnel
HGTV is always good or Diners, Drive Inns and Dives, my can't go wrong with food shows.
Ok, I'm off to the Docs, talk to you later....stay warm.

KD said...

Mmmmm, funnel cake.......

Jen Estes said...

I'm telling ya, KD, an eye patch would be a wise investment for you.

Blue, if Mansquito comes on, you better email me STAT!