Tuesday, December 01, 2009

KD's take on Grady Sizemore's nudie pics

I, for one, am very disappointed to hear (and see) about Grady Sizemore's leaked nudie pics that he apparently took for his Playboy Playmate girlfriend. Now, as a red-blooded, man-loving woman, I can tell you, based on the pics I saw, Grady is quite the hottie with no clothes on. BUT, the mere fact that he took the pics in the first place makes him something I cannot support, and that, my friends, is a GIANT DOUCHEBAG. What does Grady's Ladies think of this? I may have to leave the Grady's Ladies group on Facebook. This is serious business. This is right on par with when one of my ex's emailed me a pic of his junk. Douche.Bag. 'Nuff said. I'm heartbroken today, because I can no longer love Grady. :(


Jen Estes said...

Can we bump it up to skeevy douchebag? 'Cause it's not only lame...but also really weird.

KD said...

done and done Jen.