Saturday, February 28, 2009

Catch up time

Hello all! Long time, no blog. I'm really not in the mood. And I've been busy. So, a brief catch up on what's going on in my world....well, I was in Nashville for a couple of days for work. Got to visit some of my hospitals there (never thought I'd like spending time on a psych unit but I did!) and meet some of the people I talk to on a daily basis. It was a good trip (people are so NICE there!), my boss and I travel well together, which is good. Nevertheless, I was glad to get back home (I'm a creature of habit).

Some fun stuff happened while I was sister and her hubby FINALLY sold their condo after a year and a half...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know they are relieved to finally have that go away! And in other way fun news, my cousin Jeff and his wife Jessica welcomed baby girl #2 on Thursday....little Addison Claire is the newest addition to the family and she really does look just like Taylor with a head full of black hair. She's gorgeous and I can't wait to meet her! Our next baby will be here in less than six weeks....and you KNOW I can't wait for that one.

Actually, reading over this post, I realize lots of fun and exciting things are happening for the ones that I love and not so much for me. I mean, that's ok, I'm not having a pity party or anything. I suppose I must just be content with my ho hum life. At least it's almost baseball season.

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