Friday, February 13, 2009

Have you ever seen someone have a panic attack?

I am not kidding when I tell you that it nearly happened today. To me. Damn you, Mike Tinnin. I believe I have previously mentioned my fear of the dentist. Sheer terror is more like it. In fact, I told my co-worker Ywinta that I'd rather go to the lady doctor EVERY DAY than go to the dentist. And I'm dead serious. Well, as I've also previously mentioned, it appears one of my wisdom teeth has come down for a visit. It has broken through the skin and I am currently teething. Knowing this little tooth could prove to be a problem, I realized I was gonna have to suck it up and go to the dentist. I just wasn't prepared for what happened today. Seems Mike was tired of hearing me whine about it, so he called his dentist and MADE AN APPOINTMENT FOR ME. Bastard. I swear to you, just hearing him make the call, I almost started crying. I mean, the tears were starting to well up for real. I'm now having all the symptoms of anxiety-sweaty palms, sick feeling in my tummy (or was that the doughnut I ate this morning???), you name it. And I only have a week to mentally prepare myself for the Day of Doom. Now, secretly, I am thanking Mike for making the appointment for me because, let's be honest, I was never gonna do it on my own. Bastard.
Will someone go with me? I'm being totally serious.


kristy said...

I blame Dr. Bertz for your dental anxiety. My blood pressure was through the roof at my last dentist appt 2 weeks ago. that man scarred us for life!

Just think of all the happy pills you'll get when they have to take that tooth out.

KD said...

Oh sis,I'm thinking about the time you got your wisdom teeth out and later, while high on Percoset, you fell off the couch....LOL LOL LOL. That was some good times....

Anonymous said...

I'll take you to the dentist, kerri. Take some effing xanax first though, you're not throwing up in my car. When is your appointment?

KD said...

Oh Robin, I do love you so. It's next Friday at 10:30am...170 and Ladue-ish.
Now where can I get my hands on some Xanax.....I don't think I'll throw up but I may cry. I'm talkin big, blubbery, tears......
Come to think of it, perhaps I should go on this venture alone....