Friday, February 20, 2009

Dental anxiety is REAL....and other true tales of how I made an ass out of myself in public....

Oh my, oh my, oh my...I'm having myself a delightful beverage in the hopes of calming down (Diet Dr Pepper and Three Olives Cherry Vodka, anyone?). Yes, today was Dentist Appointment Day. And yes, my nerves got the best of me.

Perhaps my anxiety over this long overdue visit to Hell was the reason why I couldn't sleep all week, or the reason why I was popping antacids like there was no tomorrow, or the reason why I lost five pounds this week (I didn't eat much, food wasn't agreeing with me anyway....). Whatever it was, today was the day. I really tried to psych myself up, tell myself it would be ok, tell myself to suck it up buttercup, it'll be fine. And I was doing ok on the drive over there...yes my tummy was in knots but I was trying the positive self-talk thing and doing fairly ok. Then I walked into the office. Now, don't get me wrong, they were all very nice, but as soon as the hygienist asked me how I was doing I burst into tears. Uncontrollable tears. I'm not exactly sure where it came from but I absolutely could not get myself together. I was visibly shaking, sweating and panicking. I'm sure Dr. Wolken was like "fan-effin-tastic, I've got a spaz on my hands"......he was very nice (and yes, Mikey, pretty damn hot) and assured me he's had bigger spazzes than me in his office (which I truly find hard to believe). He did some x-rays and stuff and yes, I will have to have my top two wisdom teeth removed (those bitches are growing in SIDEWAYS!), but Dr. Hottie assured me I could have some Valium beforehand which oddly enough, brightened my mood....

Given how long it's been since I've gone to the dentist, my teeth are in pretty good shape. Shocking. Next step is to actually go in for the cleaning so I have another appt in a couple of weeks (um, can I get that Valium now?). Oh lord, I am a hot, hot mess.

Now, back to my vodka........

1 comment:

kristy said...

But you made the very first important step, sis! You can do it! And your teeth will thank you for it.