Friday, February 06, 2009

NyQuil hangover and other fun topics

Oh NyQuil. It's a fun ride when you first take it, you feel it coursing through your body then...suddenly, you're off in La La Land (where I spend the vast majority of my time anyway, but whatever.....). What's not fun is the morning after. Hangover city. I still haven't decided how I feel today because I'm pretty sure the NyQuil is still working it's way out of my system. Let me tell you about my afternoon/evening yesterday. I got home from work about 4:30 (after making the wise decision to skip out on the crisis line), by 5:00-ish, I was drifting off on the couch. I seem to remember catching E News on, well, E, and then around 7:00 I decided to take my shower....followed by said dose of NyQuil (that I didn't really measure so much as I just took a couple swigs from the bottle....). Around 7:30, I emailed my Canadian boy (who, ironically enough is also sick), went to lay down on the couch where, in my mind I was gonna watch The Office and 30 Rock, and proceeded to pass out, waking briefly during parts of The Office, missing the entire episode of 30 Rock and finally around 9:00 I stumbled (quite literally) to bed where I proceeded to sleep so heavily I think the walls could have caved in, people could have broken in, someone could have given me a Canadian Steamroller and I would have had NO idea......

Now, here I am this morning, I am at work (may not have been the smartest idea, but oh well, I'm here now), I was STARVING when I woke up since due to my Sleeping Beauty-like night, I didn't eat dinner, so I've had some breakfast, I did all my morning calls and now I am sitting here trying to wake up. And still trying to decide how I feel today.I'm gonna go with not very good-my ears ache, I'm congested and I have a headache. Looks like that giant bottle of Ibuprofen on my desk is gonna come in handy....

Happy Birthday weekend to me! Speaking of, I noticed new wrinkles on my forehead this morning. Sure, it could have been the NyQuil talking or perhaps it was just the cold, hard truth-I am frickin old as dirt. Damn, the truth hurts. I think I'll drink my misery away this weekend. Thank God I've got a designated driver.....thanks Mikey Poo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, kerri! you are not old, because if you are than i am and i refuse to admit it.