Friday, February 13, 2009

Flame-tipped carbide

I am seriously laughing out loud right now. Anyone know what a flame-tipped carbide is? My sister and I do....and we remember it from our traumatic childhood days at the dentist....OMG, OMG, OMG......


kristy said...

ooo, looks like you have sensitve gums.

Um, no evil dentist, its because you just chewed them up with your flame tipped carbide!!

KD said...

LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, right? He was such an a-hole!!!! OMG, no wonder we hate the dentist. And I remember my new braces hurting so badly I just cried and cried and saw how miserable I was and told me that I could go get them taken off if I wanted to....

Watch those sensitive gums!

kristy said...

I always hated the appointments right after their lunch. You'd have the combination of smoker's breath with onions. And that fool did not wear a mask!!

KD said...

Ha ha ha! OMG that is so funny!