Hello all! Long time, no blog. I'm really not in the mood. And I've been busy. So, a brief catch up on what's going on in my world....well, I was in Nashville for a couple of days for work. Got to visit some of my hospitals there (never thought I'd like spending time on a psych unit but I did!) and meet some of the people I talk to on a daily basis. It was a good trip (people are so NICE there!), my boss and I travel well together, which is good. Nevertheless, I was glad to get back home (I'm a creature of habit).
Some fun stuff happened while I was away....my sister and her hubby FINALLY sold their condo after a year and a half...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know they are relieved to finally have that go away! And in other way fun news, my cousin Jeff and his wife Jessica welcomed baby girl #2 on Thursday....little Addison Claire is the newest addition to the family and she really does look just like Taylor with a head full of black hair. She's gorgeous and I can't wait to meet her! Our next baby will be here in less than six weeks....and you KNOW I can't wait for that one.
Actually, reading over this post, I realize lots of fun and exciting things are happening for the ones that I love and not so much for me. I mean, that's ok, I'm not having a pity party or anything. I suppose I must just be content with my ho hum life. At least it's almost baseball season.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Happy Week 34 (a day early)!
I'm posting my weekly baby update a day early as I will be travelling to the country music capital of the world, Nashville, tomorrow for work and obviously will not be blogging (I will instead be schmoozing and probably ass kissing, but whatever.....). So, here is what's going on with my precious baby niece this week:
-Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times. (sis, is this true?)
She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized! (ew, that's kinda gross)
-Antibodies from your blood are being transferred to her. These immunities continue to build until birth. Then breast milk will add even more protection against disease.
-Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If she is your first baby, she may be settling into the pelvis with her head pressing against your cervix. (sounds pleasant....)
-Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now. She may scratch her face even before she is born!
-Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g)
-Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times. (sis, is this true?)
She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized! (ew, that's kinda gross)
-Antibodies from your blood are being transferred to her. These immunities continue to build until birth. Then breast milk will add even more protection against disease.
-Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If she is your first baby, she may be settling into the pelvis with her head pressing against your cervix. (sounds pleasant....)
-Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now. She may scratch her face even before she is born!
-Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dental anxiety is REAL....and other true tales of how I made an ass out of myself in public....
Oh my, oh my, oh my...I'm having myself a delightful beverage in the hopes of calming down (Diet Dr Pepper and Three Olives Cherry Vodka, anyone?). Yes, today was Dentist Appointment Day. And yes, my nerves got the best of me.
Perhaps my anxiety over this long overdue visit to Hell was the reason why I couldn't sleep all week, or the reason why I was popping antacids like there was no tomorrow, or the reason why I lost five pounds this week (I didn't eat much, food wasn't agreeing with me anyway....). Whatever it was, today was the day. I really tried to psych myself up, tell myself it would be ok, tell myself to suck it up buttercup, it'll be fine. And I was doing ok on the drive over there...yes my tummy was in knots but I was trying the positive self-talk thing and doing fairly ok. Then I walked into the office. Now, don't get me wrong, they were all very nice, but as soon as the hygienist asked me how I was doing I burst into tears. Uncontrollable tears. I'm not exactly sure where it came from but I absolutely could not get myself together. I was visibly shaking, sweating and panicking. I'm sure Dr. Wolken was like "fan-effin-tastic, I've got a spaz on my hands"......he was very nice (and yes, Mikey, pretty damn hot) and assured me he's had bigger spazzes than me in his office (which I truly find hard to believe). He did some x-rays and stuff and yes, I will have to have my top two wisdom teeth removed (those bitches are growing in SIDEWAYS!), but Dr. Hottie assured me I could have some Valium beforehand which oddly enough, brightened my mood....
Given how long it's been since I've gone to the dentist, my teeth are in pretty good shape. Shocking. Next step is to actually go in for the cleaning so I have another appt in a couple of weeks (um, can I get that Valium now?). Oh lord, I am a hot, hot mess.
Now, back to my vodka........
Perhaps my anxiety over this long overdue visit to Hell was the reason why I couldn't sleep all week, or the reason why I was popping antacids like there was no tomorrow, or the reason why I lost five pounds this week (I didn't eat much, food wasn't agreeing with me anyway....). Whatever it was, today was the day. I really tried to psych myself up, tell myself it would be ok, tell myself to suck it up buttercup, it'll be fine. And I was doing ok on the drive over there...yes my tummy was in knots but I was trying the positive self-talk thing and doing fairly ok. Then I walked into the office. Now, don't get me wrong, they were all very nice, but as soon as the hygienist asked me how I was doing I burst into tears. Uncontrollable tears. I'm not exactly sure where it came from but I absolutely could not get myself together. I was visibly shaking, sweating and panicking. I'm sure Dr. Wolken was like "fan-effin-tastic, I've got a spaz on my hands"......he was very nice (and yes, Mikey, pretty damn hot) and assured me he's had bigger spazzes than me in his office (which I truly find hard to believe). He did some x-rays and stuff and yes, I will have to have my top two wisdom teeth removed (those bitches are growing in SIDEWAYS!), but Dr. Hottie assured me I could have some Valium beforehand which oddly enough, brightened my mood....
Given how long it's been since I've gone to the dentist, my teeth are in pretty good shape. Shocking. Next step is to actually go in for the cleaning so I have another appt in a couple of weeks (um, can I get that Valium now?). Oh lord, I am a hot, hot mess.
Now, back to my vodka........
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Week 33 sis and Baby Girl B!
Just moving right along! I know my sis thinks the baby has become so giant she's running out of room (which may be close to being true), but there are still seven weeks left (only seven? WOW!). Here is what is going on with my niece this week:
-Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy. (maybe that's why you feel so large sis!) ;)
-Your baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth. (she's gonna be a smart one!)
-Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers -- forming connections in your baby's brain will give her the skills she needs to thrive as a newborn. This week, she may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
-While most of her bones are hardening, her skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. The bones will be able to move slightly to make birthing easier. (good new, huh sis?) ;)
-You baby takes intermittent deep breaths -- of water! That's okay, though since she gets oxygen from the placenta. This breathing exercises muscles and encourages her lung cells to produce more surfactant (a protein essential for healthy lung development).
-Your infant is now 17.2 inches (43.7cm) long and weighs 4.23 pounds (1918gm). (OMG, that's almost normal baby sized!)
-Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy. (maybe that's why you feel so large sis!) ;)
-Your baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth. (she's gonna be a smart one!)
-Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers -- forming connections in your baby's brain will give her the skills she needs to thrive as a newborn. This week, she may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
-While most of her bones are hardening, her skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. The bones will be able to move slightly to make birthing easier. (good new, huh sis?) ;)
-You baby takes intermittent deep breaths -- of water! That's okay, though since she gets oxygen from the placenta. This breathing exercises muscles and encourages her lung cells to produce more surfactant (a protein essential for healthy lung development).
-Your infant is now 17.2 inches (43.7cm) long and weighs 4.23 pounds (1918gm). (OMG, that's almost normal baby sized!)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Just feel like writing tonight....
Man, it's only Tuesday and so much bad stuff has happened this week. No, not to me, my life is comparably great, I have no room to complain about the stuff that stresses me on a daily basis. I found out today that one of my classmates from high school passed away from an apparent pulmonary aneurism. Shit. Only 33 years old. I guess you really just never know what's gonna happen in this life, huh? I know it's cliched, but life really is short. I know I personally should not spend so much time bitching and being angry and bitter and focus on my relationships with my friends and family, because you never know how much time you have left.
Speaking of bad news, Lizzard, you and your family are in my prayers. I love you much....you're one of my oldest and dearest friends and even though we don't get to see each other very often, know that I am thinking of your parents and praying, praying, praying. :)
People, be good to each other, ok? Thats all I've got for now. Good night.
Speaking of bad news, Lizzard, you and your family are in my prayers. I love you much....you're one of my oldest and dearest friends and even though we don't get to see each other very often, know that I am thinking of your parents and praying, praying, praying. :)
People, be good to each other, ok? Thats all I've got for now. Good night.
Coming soon.....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Flame-tipped carbide
I am seriously laughing out loud right now. Anyone know what a flame-tipped carbide is? My sister and I do....and we remember it from our traumatic childhood days at the dentist....OMG, OMG, OMG......
Have you ever seen someone have a panic attack?
I am not kidding when I tell you that it nearly happened today. To me. Damn you, Mike Tinnin. I believe I have previously mentioned my fear of the dentist. Sheer terror is more like it. In fact, I told my co-worker Ywinta that I'd rather go to the lady doctor EVERY DAY than go to the dentist. And I'm dead serious. Well, as I've also previously mentioned, it appears one of my wisdom teeth has come down for a visit. It has broken through the skin and I am currently teething. Knowing this little tooth could prove to be a problem, I realized I was gonna have to suck it up and go to the dentist. I just wasn't prepared for what happened today. Seems Mike was tired of hearing me whine about it, so he called his dentist and MADE AN APPOINTMENT FOR ME. Bastard. I swear to you, just hearing him make the call, I almost started crying. I mean, the tears were starting to well up for real. I'm now having all the symptoms of anxiety-sweaty palms, sick feeling in my tummy (or was that the doughnut I ate this morning???), you name it. And I only have a week to mentally prepare myself for the Day of Doom. Now, secretly, I am thanking Mike for making the appointment for me because, let's be honest, I was never gonna do it on my own. Bastard.
Will someone go with me? I'm being totally serious.
Will someone go with me? I'm being totally serious.
Completely random thoughts
I can't get the song "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillait out of my head....it's a great song, but I still don't enjoy it playing in my head over and over and over again.....
OMG, my coworker Jenn just gave me a Valentine...with a little rub-on tattoo on it. How sweet! I like her. She's a Cubs fan. Mike just put his tattoo on his chest. Guess who helped him.....yikes. I felt a little dirty.
Speaking of the Cubs............PITCHERS AND CATCHERS REPORT TODAY! WOOOOO HOOOOO! I'm excited. It means the season is that much closer! Yay! My first Cards/Cubs game is at the end of April here in the STL and I can't wait!
Yum, we got heart shaped doughnuts today at work. I like doughnuts. They rock.
Happy Friday the 13th y'all! May you have a fantabulous day and weekend.
OMG, my coworker Jenn just gave me a Valentine...with a little rub-on tattoo on it. How sweet! I like her. She's a Cubs fan. Mike just put his tattoo on his chest. Guess who helped him.....yikes. I felt a little dirty.
Speaking of the Cubs............PITCHERS AND CATCHERS REPORT TODAY! WOOOOO HOOOOO! I'm excited. It means the season is that much closer! Yay! My first Cards/Cubs game is at the end of April here in the STL and I can't wait!
Yum, we got heart shaped doughnuts today at work. I like doughnuts. They rock.
Happy Friday the 13th y'all! May you have a fantabulous day and weekend.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Week 32!
Ok, I'm REALLY starting to get excited about this baby now! Only eight weeks to go and I will get to be an auntie! I soooooo cannot wait. Here's what's going on with Baby B this week:
-Baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
-You might notice she's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
-All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
-Toenails are completely formed even though she may not be quite ready for a French manicure. -Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in. Will she have dad's black hair or your red hair?
-Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month. What do you suppose your baby is dreaming about?
-Baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
-You might notice she's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
-All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
-Toenails are completely formed even though she may not be quite ready for a French manicure. -Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in. Will she have dad's black hair or your red hair?
-Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month. What do you suppose your baby is dreaming about?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm teething!??!!??
What the F? I have a new tooth. I swear to God. Is that supposed to happen when you're 33? I thought when you got to be my age that your teeth started falling out and you require dentures, not getting NEW teeth. Red, can you send me some of the teething rings that are supposed to be for Baby B? Thanks. I mean, seriously people, I am teething. I'm pretty sure I should go to the dentist and look into this situation further, but I am TER-I-FIED of the dentist. Don't make me go. I will cry and be a big baby about it. I swear I will.
In other news, I went to the Blues game with my friend Tanya last night. Ok, so first of all, there was no one there, way to show your support, St. Louis. I mean, not that I can blame the people of this fine city....I mean, the Blues are not all that good, and it WAS a rainy Tuesday night, but come on people! Anyhoo....the boys were playing a certain someone's team, the Vancouver Canucks and I was really hoping for a win. Alas, it was not to be. The Blues scored four goals and STILL managed to lose. Sad, sad, sad. I had to keep my eye on those Sedin brothers, they're both sneaky and pensive (right, DT?). I think they were the only two players besides the Canucks goalie that didn't score a point. And isn't that Mats Sundin like 1,000 years old? That Pavol Demitra stuck it to his old team getting four points...boo! He's still cute though....Um, during one of the intermissions, they played a video where they were asking random people what a Canuck is. Some of the more entertaining answers? A whale, a duck, a canoe (???). Come on people, even I know what a Canuck is. Geez. Um, and I'm concerned about the Ice Kids. You know, the little kids that come onto the ice in between time outs and clean off the piled up ice. Aren't there child labor laws in this country? Those kids were working awfully hard last night....I'm calling the governor. And OMG...what the F is up with the Blues mascot, Louie? What IS it? A mouse? A bear? A muskrat? I have no idea. You make the call:
We left the Scottrade Center to find it was pouring rain outside. Fun. After a rain soaked ride on the Metrolink, I finally got home around 11-ish, finally got settled down and proceeded to cough until roughly 1:00am....ugh. Needless to say, I am one sleepy girl today. I wanted to punch my alarm clock in the face when it started buzzing at 6:00am.....someone could get hurt today. It's safest if I just stay in my little cubicle and keep to myself today.....or maybe I'll try to find a dentist.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Thanks for a GREAT birthday!
Despite it being on a Monday, my birthday was pretty great. Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate, who bought me stuff (I like stuff), who drank with me (on Saturday, not Monday...although that could have been fun given we were at work and all). Thanks to my Canadian boy for the FABULOUS edible arrangement...it was totally the hit of the day (with everyone making statements about how sweet he is but then again, I already know how sweet he is!). I was a little perturbed by our President deciding to address the nation when The Bachelor was supposed to be on, but forgave him when my show was shown in it's entirety (albeit an hour later than normal). I got lots of birthday wishes on Facebook which made me smile. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone!
One more birthday related event tonight then I swear I'm done. My friend Tanya and I are heading to the Blues game tonight. They're playing my Canadian boy's team, the Vancouver Canucks (ironically enough), I'm not sure how the Canucks are playing nowadays, but I know that the Blues are not all that good, so it shall be interesting....GO BLUES!
One more birthday related event tonight then I swear I'm done. My friend Tanya and I are heading to the Blues game tonight. They're playing my Canadian boy's team, the Vancouver Canucks (ironically enough), I'm not sure how the Canucks are playing nowadays, but I know that the Blues are not all that good, so it shall be interesting....GO BLUES!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Happy Birthday a moi!
Damn you Amy Henson and Mike Tinnin for telling everyone at work how old I am today! I hate you b**ches! Ok...no I don't....but you're both still older. So there.
Happy Birthday to me today! Woo hoo! It's Monday, I'm at work, I'm still dealing with the tail end of a cold....in other words, it's a great day! :)
I don't feel any older (that's a good thing) and I don't look any older (thanks to getting my gray hair covered up on Saturday), but I am definitely older. I suppose the alternative (you know, being dead) is always there, I suppose in that instance I'll choose getting older.
My team surprised me with a food day....breakfast style (my favorite!). I am sitting here working on a sugar high (thanks to all the doughnuts). It was supposed to be a Canadian themed food day apparently (because, you know, I dig Canadians!) but, really, the only thing that's Canadian is the maple syrup. ;) It's the thought that counts, however, and I love my team for it. Never mind that my supervisor tried to kill me with her fresh fruit smoothies (yea, I'm allergic to the strawberries that are in it....Mike keeps checking to see if I'm still breathing....). Fun times, fun times.
So, I'm gonna spend my birthday at work...then I'm gonna go work out...then I'm gonna go home and watch The Bachelor. Sounds like a good time to me!
ALSO.............HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIEND ERIN TODAY. We share a birthday. That makes us awesome.
Let's talk about the Grammy's for a second. Here's my break down:
1. Coldplay-ick. When are they going away? Why are they famous?
2. Why didn't Jason Mraz win? I think he's fabulous. No one cares what I think.
3. I was a bit disappointed by the Paul McCartney/Dave Grohl performance. Now, don't get me wrong, it sounded great, but I was hoping Dave would actually sing with Paul. Oh well.
4. Poor, poor Stevie Wonder. He's amazing, what has happened to his career, playing with the frickin' Jonas Brothers?
5. Katy Perry cannot sing live. Yikes.
6. What makes Coldplay good again? I'm so confused.
7. Did Chris Brown really beat up Rihanna?
8. I actually sorta enjoyed Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. I can't believe I actually admitted that on the world wide web.
9. Jennifer Hudson looked beautiful, she sounded amazing and she made me cry.
10. YAY! Blink 182 is back together!
11. Kanye West was fairly toned down for him last night. But what the F is up with that mullet?
12. Am I the only one that is totally over Justin Timberlake?
Happy Birthday to me today! Woo hoo! It's Monday, I'm at work, I'm still dealing with the tail end of a cold....in other words, it's a great day! :)
I don't feel any older (that's a good thing) and I don't look any older (thanks to getting my gray hair covered up on Saturday), but I am definitely older. I suppose the alternative (you know, being dead) is always there, I suppose in that instance I'll choose getting older.
My team surprised me with a food day....breakfast style (my favorite!). I am sitting here working on a sugar high (thanks to all the doughnuts). It was supposed to be a Canadian themed food day apparently (because, you know, I dig Canadians!) but, really, the only thing that's Canadian is the maple syrup. ;) It's the thought that counts, however, and I love my team for it. Never mind that my supervisor tried to kill me with her fresh fruit smoothies (yea, I'm allergic to the strawberries that are in it....Mike keeps checking to see if I'm still breathing....). Fun times, fun times.
So, I'm gonna spend my birthday at work...then I'm gonna go work out...then I'm gonna go home and watch The Bachelor. Sounds like a good time to me!
ALSO.............HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIEND ERIN TODAY. We share a birthday. That makes us awesome.
Let's talk about the Grammy's for a second. Here's my break down:
1. Coldplay-ick. When are they going away? Why are they famous?
2. Why didn't Jason Mraz win? I think he's fabulous. No one cares what I think.
3. I was a bit disappointed by the Paul McCartney/Dave Grohl performance. Now, don't get me wrong, it sounded great, but I was hoping Dave would actually sing with Paul. Oh well.
4. Poor, poor Stevie Wonder. He's amazing, what has happened to his career, playing with the frickin' Jonas Brothers?
5. Katy Perry cannot sing live. Yikes.
6. What makes Coldplay good again? I'm so confused.
7. Did Chris Brown really beat up Rihanna?
8. I actually sorta enjoyed Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. I can't believe I actually admitted that on the world wide web.
9. Jennifer Hudson looked beautiful, she sounded amazing and she made me cry.
10. YAY! Blink 182 is back together!
11. Kanye West was fairly toned down for him last night. But what the F is up with that mullet?
12. Am I the only one that is totally over Justin Timberlake?
Friday, February 06, 2009
NyQuil hangover and other fun topics
Oh NyQuil. It's a fun ride when you first take it, you feel it coursing through your body then...suddenly, you're off in La La Land (where I spend the vast majority of my time anyway, but whatever.....). What's not fun is the morning after. Hangover city. I still haven't decided how I feel today because I'm pretty sure the NyQuil is still working it's way out of my system. Let me tell you about my afternoon/evening yesterday. I got home from work about 4:30 (after making the wise decision to skip out on the crisis line), by 5:00-ish, I was drifting off on the couch. I seem to remember catching E News on, well, E, and then around 7:00 I decided to take my shower....followed by said dose of NyQuil (that I didn't really measure so much as I just took a couple swigs from the bottle....). Around 7:30, I emailed my Canadian boy (who, ironically enough is also sick), went to lay down on the couch where, in my mind I was gonna watch The Office and 30 Rock, and proceeded to pass out, waking briefly during parts of The Office, missing the entire episode of 30 Rock and finally around 9:00 I stumbled (quite literally) to bed where I proceeded to sleep so heavily I think the walls could have caved in, people could have broken in, someone could have given me a Canadian Steamroller and I would have had NO idea......
Now, here I am this morning, I am at work (may not have been the smartest idea, but oh well, I'm here now), I was STARVING when I woke up since due to my Sleeping Beauty-like night, I didn't eat dinner, so I've had some breakfast, I did all my morning calls and now I am sitting here trying to wake up. And still trying to decide how I feel today.I'm gonna go with not very good-my ears ache, I'm congested and I have a headache. Looks like that giant bottle of Ibuprofen on my desk is gonna come in handy....
Happy Birthday weekend to me! Speaking of, I noticed new wrinkles on my forehead this morning. Sure, it could have been the NyQuil talking or perhaps it was just the cold, hard truth-I am frickin old as dirt. Damn, the truth hurts. I think I'll drink my misery away this weekend. Thank God I've got a designated driver.....thanks Mikey Poo!
Now, here I am this morning, I am at work (may not have been the smartest idea, but oh well, I'm here now), I was STARVING when I woke up since due to my Sleeping Beauty-like night, I didn't eat dinner, so I've had some breakfast, I did all my morning calls and now I am sitting here trying to wake up. And still trying to decide how I feel today.I'm gonna go with not very good-my ears ache, I'm congested and I have a headache. Looks like that giant bottle of Ibuprofen on my desk is gonna come in handy....
Happy Birthday weekend to me! Speaking of, I noticed new wrinkles on my forehead this morning. Sure, it could have been the NyQuil talking or perhaps it was just the cold, hard truth-I am frickin old as dirt. Damn, the truth hurts. I think I'll drink my misery away this weekend. Thank God I've got a designated driver.....thanks Mikey Poo!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Who can I blame?
The fact that I've been on a near manic high all week should have been my first clue. I mean, I'm just not that nice normally. But, all week, I've been in a GREAT mood, I've been super energetic, silly and productive-all those things you are when you are on a manic high (minus the sexual promiscuity and spending sprees). But for me, this "mania" could only mean one thing......that I was about to get sick. And dammit if it wasn't true. I tossed and turned all night last night (I figured it was just my punishment for sleeping well the last few nights) and woke up today totally congested, my ears hurt, I feel achy and blah. I'm hoping now that I'm upright and at work that things will drain and I'll feel fine-don't count on it. Seems some nasty bug has been sweeping through my office the last couple of weeks and I'll be damned if I'm not it's next victim (it kept my boss out of work for over a week!). Perfect timing too, isn't it? I mean, not that I'm excited about turning 33, but it IS my birthday weekend and my friends are going to dinner with me Saturday night. I also have plans tomorrow night. Damn. Perhaps my original wish of me sitting at home by myself in my jammies on my birthday will come true after all. Actually, my boss told me I had to come in on Monday because they were having a food day for me...in her next breath she said that if I was not there they'd go ahead and eat without me. I love my team.
Happy Week 31!
Just movin right along party people! I got to see my sister last week in all her 30 weeks pregnant glory...cute as a button she is! Today she is officially 31 weeks along....only 9 more to go! Wow! It's getting close. I know my sis has been having trouble breathing at night (that darn baby is taking up all the room!) but hang in there sis, your precious baby girl will be here soon!
Here's what's going on with her this week:
-The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
-Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
-Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and her bones are growing and hardening.
-Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
-Her brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
-She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
-Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.
Here's what's going on with her this week:
-The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
-Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
-Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and her bones are growing and hardening.
-Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
-Her brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
-She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
-Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
KD's commentary on The Bachelor
Ok, I have never been a faithful follower of The Bachelor franchise. In fact, I don't think I've ever watched a full season. Until now. I knew I'd watch it when I found out that Jason was gonna be the bachelor-I mean, DeAnna broke his poor lil heart on The Bachelorette last season. That bitch. ;) Besides, he's adorable and seems like a genuinely nice guy.
I, of course, am now totally hooked on this show. It MAKES my Monday's. Sad, but true. They are now down to four potential ladies for Jason (and I might add that two of them are ones that I predicted from the beginning). Is anyone else besides me watching this show? I'm thinking he's gonna pick Melissa (former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and very cute), although I still like the Canadian chick (even if I sometimes can't understand her). I think Naomi will be the next to go (sometimes she looks really pretty and other times, she kinda looks like a dude.....I'm just sayin). I'm not gonna lie, I cried last night when he sent Stephanie home. I realize this may concern some about my emotional well-being, but I just couldn't help it........I'm hormonal DAMMIT! Leave me alone...... :)
Coming up tomorrow? My commentary on American Idol Hollywood Week. Stay tuned folks. I know you care.
I, of course, am now totally hooked on this show. It MAKES my Monday's. Sad, but true. They are now down to four potential ladies for Jason (and I might add that two of them are ones that I predicted from the beginning). Is anyone else besides me watching this show? I'm thinking he's gonna pick Melissa (former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and very cute), although I still like the Canadian chick (even if I sometimes can't understand her). I think Naomi will be the next to go (sometimes she looks really pretty and other times, she kinda looks like a dude.....I'm just sayin). I'm not gonna lie, I cried last night when he sent Stephanie home. I realize this may concern some about my emotional well-being, but I just couldn't help it........I'm hormonal DAMMIT! Leave me alone...... :)
Coming up tomorrow? My commentary on American Idol Hollywood Week. Stay tuned folks. I know you care.
Monday, February 02, 2009
It's Boss time!
Ok, enough with the Bruce Springsteen already. I heard no less than FIVE Bruce songs this morning on the way to work, including a recreation of the montage of songs he sang at the Super Bowl last night (thanks for THAT 106.5 the Arch....that's a big chunk of my morning I'll never get back).
I have to be honest, I've never been much of a Springsteen fan. Does that make me un-American? Maybe. Do I care? Not so much. I mean, I didn't even like "Born In the USA". So, I was surprised by the excitement surrounding the fact that he was doing the Super Bowl (I mean come on, it's not like it's Madonna, or Lynard Skynard or Neil Diamond or something....). I decided to watch because I felt like I was being super un-cool if I didn't watch The Boss. My first thought was, he kinda has a nice ass, until I reminded myself that he's like 1,000 years old and that my thoughts were pretty sick in nature. I then thought, please stop sliding around because you're gonna have a heart attack and, quite honestly, I did not want to witness that on national television (nice crotch shot by the way). About halfway through the montage, I'd have enough. I hadn't even heard of most of the songs anyway, so, sadly, I had to dump The Boss in favor of the stellar "reality" shows on VH1. Come on, are you surprised? This is the girl that saw New Kids On The Block recently. I'm pretty sure my opinion on what's cool doesn't even count.
And let me give you my perspective on the Super Bowl. First of all, I barely watched it, not gonna lie. I mean, blah. Second of all, I only saw one commercial that made me laugh, and that would be the talking babies on the ETrade commercial. Other than that, my attention was not kept (although I was digging Brenda Warner's new flowing blond locks, thanks to my friend Judy for pointing it out...what happened to the ultra-short, salt and pepper, I'm a Marine and I could kick your ass Brenda?). Once I witnessed Kurt Warner throw an interception at the goal line and the dude ran it back 101 yards for the TD, I knew Kurt's dreams of winning a third Super Bowl were over. As were my dreams of watching the rest of the game. I still stand by my decision to cheer for Arizona based simply on the fact that Kurt Warner seems like a nice guy. That, and I'm scared of his wife.
I have to be honest, I've never been much of a Springsteen fan. Does that make me un-American? Maybe. Do I care? Not so much. I mean, I didn't even like "Born In the USA". So, I was surprised by the excitement surrounding the fact that he was doing the Super Bowl (I mean come on, it's not like it's Madonna, or Lynard Skynard or Neil Diamond or something....). I decided to watch because I felt like I was being super un-cool if I didn't watch The Boss. My first thought was, he kinda has a nice ass, until I reminded myself that he's like 1,000 years old and that my thoughts were pretty sick in nature. I then thought, please stop sliding around because you're gonna have a heart attack and, quite honestly, I did not want to witness that on national television (nice crotch shot by the way). About halfway through the montage, I'd have enough. I hadn't even heard of most of the songs anyway, so, sadly, I had to dump The Boss in favor of the stellar "reality" shows on VH1. Come on, are you surprised? This is the girl that saw New Kids On The Block recently. I'm pretty sure my opinion on what's cool doesn't even count.
And let me give you my perspective on the Super Bowl. First of all, I barely watched it, not gonna lie. I mean, blah. Second of all, I only saw one commercial that made me laugh, and that would be the talking babies on the ETrade commercial. Other than that, my attention was not kept (although I was digging Brenda Warner's new flowing blond locks, thanks to my friend Judy for pointing it out...what happened to the ultra-short, salt and pepper, I'm a Marine and I could kick your ass Brenda?). Once I witnessed Kurt Warner throw an interception at the goal line and the dude ran it back 101 yards for the TD, I knew Kurt's dreams of winning a third Super Bowl were over. As were my dreams of watching the rest of the game. I still stand by my decision to cheer for Arizona based simply on the fact that Kurt Warner seems like a nice guy. That, and I'm scared of his wife.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Baby shower weekend!
Ah, what a GREAT weekend with family and friends. My sis and Jon were in town for their baby shower(s) and a good time was had by all. I mean what's NOT fun about having men and beer at a baby shower? The men were actually very good sports last night, they were appreciative of the free beer and took the shower games seriously. Such a blast. I'm so glad that both sides of the family were there as well as several of Red and Jon's friends. It was a very LONG day...starting with my wonderful mother calling me at 9:05am on Saturday morning to inform me they were already at 141 and Hwy 44. Panicked as I sat there with my hair still up in a towel, I worked feverishly to get ready. The 'rents came rollin in about 9:25, real close to the 9:30 I'd predicted (they said they'd be there by 10:00 which I knew meant at least 9:30...I know my parents well). After they arrived, we shooed my dad off to take Grandpa to lunch and mom and I headed to baby shower #1 hosted by some of my brother-in-law's mom's friends (where Alyssa and I agreed we could be co-awesomest aunts ever!). I was so excited to see my sister as it was the first time I'd seen her since Christmas...I really wanted to see how big the baby belly had become. My sis is one of the cutest preggo's I've ever seen. All baby, she is just completely adorable. Here are some pics from shower #1:
The cutest baby bump ever! 
Diaper genie, anyone? 
After shower #1, mom and I rushed off to buy balloons for the shower that evening that myself and four of Red's friends were throwing. After we got the balloons (and more table cloths), I dropped mom off at Grandpa's and headed on over to the clubhouse to start getting ready for the party. With some extra help (my sister's friend Robyn and her friend Angie's boyfriend Scott)we were able to get everything decorated, the tables arranged and the food cooked by the time the guests started arriving at 7:00 (and wouldn't you know my parents were the first to arrive...). :) The shower was a great success, with most of both sides of the family present (there were a WHOLE LOTTA Davidson's in one room...). Here are some pics from shower #2:
this is the sign we put up at the entrance to the complex so everyone would know they'd come to the right place!
gotta have some super girlie pink balloons!
we were SO excited about the cupcake tower...
me and my baby sis!
The Davidson's in the house! From left: my cousin Dan's wife Amy, cousin Teri Lynn, cousin Ken, cousin Dan, my dad, my uncle Terry, Teri Lynn's husband Steve, my Aunt Linda and my cousin Ken's wife Terri (yes, that's three Terry's in one family...)
my sister and some of her friends...the blonde, Tiffany and the brunette, Kimberly both went to high school with my sister.
part of the Baumgartner side of the family. From left: my cousin Jeff's wife Jessica who is having baby #2 at the end of this month, Aunt Paula eating her cupcake, my mom, Aunt Jan and GRANDPA!
Kelli had to make sure she got it right!
Yea....that's really gross!
Gift time! I just love seeing Jon holding all those girlie baby clothes!
and last but not least, the super pink, super girlie princess bear I made for my precious baby niece at Build-A-Bear. The first of many, I'm sure.
This immediately got the song "Tiny Dancer" in my head while Jon's sister Alyssa began singing "Private Dancer" which made us girls giggle...
check out the loot!
After shower #1, mom and I rushed off to buy balloons for the shower that evening that myself and four of Red's friends were throwing. After we got the balloons (and more table cloths), I dropped mom off at Grandpa's and headed on over to the clubhouse to start getting ready for the party. With some extra help (my sister's friend Robyn and her friend Angie's boyfriend Scott)we were able to get everything decorated, the tables arranged and the food cooked by the time the guests started arriving at 7:00 (and wouldn't you know my parents were the first to arrive...). :) The shower was a great success, with most of both sides of the family present (there were a WHOLE LOTTA Davidson's in one room...). Here are some pics from shower #2:
By the end of the night I was exhausted, having been on my feet pretty much non-stop since 8am but it was WELL worth it to be able to give such an amazing shower to my sister and brother-in-law. They got some great gifts and we all know that Baby Girl Baum deserves the world, so no gift is too much for her!
Next stop? The birth. With less than 10 weeks now until the due date, we are officially in countdown mode. Texas is gonna get tired of seeing me because I'm gonna be there a lot once my precious baby niece is born. :)
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