Friday, May 30, 2008

The good ol' days

Last night I was reminded of why I love my college friends so much....those people are FREAKIN' HILARIOUS (and a bit strange)! Seeing them always makes me think about the good ol' days at CMSU. Our group was rather large and quite diverse, but we were all really close and had a LOT of fun! Brian and Todd are in town from Kansas City, so we all met for dinner last night. The elusive Mike D was there as well as Mike and Lori and Christi (and her way too cute 5 year old, Shelby!). Of course, the group wasn't complete without Deven, Uriah, Heath and that sassy Canadian (whose name kept coming up...hmmmmm....I wonder why?). Everyone looked great, and the laughs just kept a' comin'. Mike and Mike were cracking me up (not to be confused with my precious Mikey Poo....I have a LOT of "Mike" friends....)-of course, I'm sure the beer helped! It was great seeing Todd and Brian-I think it's been 4-5 years since I've seen either one of them. I miss everyone so much. Wouldn't it be great, just for one day, to be back at South Yeater hall, having hockey fights with DT in the hallway, bowling in the hallway with cups stolen from the cafeteria (and a bowling ball that came from God knows where), watching Jeopardy (with Uriah ALWAYS whistling the theme song) and napping in me and Christi's room? Or getting steamrollers from DT and Uriah (preferably right as you had just fallen asleep)? Oh yes, we DID have some good times back in the day. Too bad we had to all become adults and be responsible and stuff.


kristy said...

I'll never forget my canadian steamroller experience. It haunts me in my sleep

KD said...

I think Canadian steamrollers are quite enjoyable..... :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is even possible to not enjoy a Canadian steamroller

Anonymous said...

and if I recall correctly, the bowling ball was found on a walk back home from Pine Street

KD said...

Ah, Pine Street....I have fond, FOND memories of Pine Street... :)