Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Kids On The Block are back y'all!

(wow, they look old!)
NKOTB (as they are lovingly referred) is BACK BABY! I'm not really sure why, but I am embracing it. I mean, they were my first loves, my first ever concert waaaay back in the day. When I was a little pre-teen, I was CONVINCED that I was going to marry one of them. My sister and our friend Erin and I used to play with the Magic 8 ball and ask it if we would meet them (or marry them), sad but true. We LOVED them! Our walls were plastered with pictures and posters. I remember going to see them at the old arena, mom and Aunt Jan took my sister and I. Mom and Aunt Jan joined us in chasing the tour bus. Now that's devotion. They are coming to St. Louis for a concert on November 10. Who's with me??????????????? You know you wanna hear some "Please Don't Go Girl" and "Hangin' Tough". Don't lie.

I am a bit hyperactive today. I don't know why, especially since I woke up with a headache. Maybe it's because I get to see some of my old college crew tonight. Cabin Boy and Todd are in town, so they, myself, Christi, Mike D and Mike and Lori are all going out to dinner tonight. Should be good times as it always is anytime we get together-I haven't seen any of them since DT was here in January (odd since most of us live in the same city, but whatever).

It's also almost the weekend-YAY! I have to get through the next two days first and work has been quite busy-which I'm totally not a fan of......HAPPY THURSDAY PEOPLE!

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