Thursday, May 01, 2008

19-5? I'm lovin' it!

Ah, my Cubbies kicked so much ass last night, it was almost comical. Even better that it was at the Brewers expense. Their 19-5 win was SOOOOO worth staying up until 11 last night. Hell, the complete meltdown of Brewers reliever Derrick Turnbow was worth it's weight in gold. He gave up six runs in the 8th inning, including several walks-it was beautiful. And Cubs catcher Geovany Soto (above) further proved he is a solid Rookie of the Year candidate with his TWO three-run homers. The win leaves them in a tie for first place with the Cardinals....who they play this weekend. GAME ON! I'll be there on Sunday night decked out in Cubbie blue from head to toe. SO can't wait!
I was oh so sad to hear that Suzy Sunshine Brooke White got the boot on American Idol last night. All I can say is-it's about damn time. I mean, seriously people. Why was she still on? She needs to go sing her version of "I'm A Believer" on Sesame Street or something. Ick. Next project-get Jason Castro outta there. I'm sorry for all you JC lovers out there, but it is high time he get gone (and yes, I intentionally used the word "high" there since he seems to always be in that state.....).
I'm in a pretty good mood today, for the first time this week. See, I'm trying to cut back on my caffeine intake (gasp!) and have literally cut my daily intake in half. The result? I'm tired and cranky ALL DAY LONG. Perhaps not one of my wisest moves, but I think, in the end, it'll be well worth it. Perhaps I'm in a good mood today because it's almost the weekend, or because my Cubbies will be in town tomorrow, or because I have a work happy hour to go to tonight. I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm gonna bottle it up and save it for the next Crabby Monday-Wednesday I have (which will more than likely be next week...HA!).
P.S. I totally have "I'm In Love With A Girl" by Gavin DeGraw in my head. Like you cared. :)

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