Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Castro gotta go

What's up, blog fans? How is everyone? I know I have been neglecting my blog a bit-I gotta be honest-I really don't have time for it. Recent changes at work have kept us occupied literally from the time we walk in the door until the time we leave-granted, this is normally how a work day is supposed to go, but not typically for us. We're used to a certain amount of downtime with which to conduct personal business-that time doesn't exist anymore. Corporate bastards.

Who watched American Idol last night? I am sorry to all you Jason Castro fans in advance but COME ON! Why the f is he still on the show? He is, in my opinion, becoming the Sanjaya of this season. I mean, he clearly doesn't want to be there, he gets worse as the weeks go on and last night he even forgot the words. I swear he takes one giant hit from his bong backstage before going on-what else would explain that blank look on his face? My David Cook was great, as per usual. I wasn't in love with his performance of "Hungry Like The Wolf" but it was still good and his second song was great. David A was again fabulous, if not a bit cookie-cutter. He's kinda boring. I still don't get why the judges don't like Syesha much. Uh...girlfriend can SING! Ok?

Dancing With The Stars. Ah, Mike and I were VERY happy to see our boy Maksim make an appearance last night. I swear if he is not on the next season, I will boycott. I will. Surprised to see Mario get the boot-I was sure it was Miss Broadway's turn to go, shows what I know.

What am I gonna do with myself when both of those shows are over in a couple of weeks?????

Ugh, I have NO nice things to say about my Cubs right now. Ick, ick, ick. They are SUCK-tastic right now. Case in point-they are losing to the LAST PLACE Reds today. Unacceptable.

Heading to Salem this weekend for Mother's Day. That should be a good time. Nice that my ONLY BROTHER forgot I was coming into town.....whatever dude. :)


Broker said...

May I please get a copy of your English-to-Kerri dictionary when you get a moment . . . "sucktastic" is the most fabulous word I have EVER heard. LOL. GO CARDS!!! WHEEEEEEE!!!

Broker said...

Ok . . . craptastic ranks right up there, too!! Awesome!

KD said...

LOL. Unfortunately, the English To Kerri Dictionary is not in the works at this time, however, believe you me, there is way more nonsense I could come up with...and most likely will, so perhaps it will be available at a later date! I ain't right......

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a lot of nonsense out there that you haven't come up with already

KD said...

Why DT, whatever are you talking about???????????

Anonymous said...

And who were you fooling with the "boycott" threat???

KD said...

No one. I'm fooling no one. :)

Broker said...

Can you say . . . 9-0 . . . shutout city sister.