Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Remember this for next time

Don't eat a bag of Skittles just a couple of hours before you plan to go to bed or you'll be like me. Yes, last night, the sugar high was fun, I won't lie (I think my co-workers would agree with that one!), but once I got home and tried to go to sleep, it soooo wasn't happening, and in the worst way too-I was totally tired and wanted to sleep but was still wired from that sugar. I tossed and I turned, then I tossed some more. It wasn't cool. Not sure what time I finally fell asleep, I do know it wasn't a good sleep, so I may be a bit more delirious than usual today. Sorry to anyone who may have to see me or talk to me or live with me today..... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the live part watch it girl lol ill be way asleep by then