Thursday, June 01, 2006

A 5K in under 20, Tim? BRING IT!!!!

Ok, my money is on Red for this one. Apparently, our baby brother is talking some smack and thinks he can beat Red in this 5K we are doing this weekend. Good luck with that one, Timbo! My lazy ass will be walking it, that's for sure. Getting me out of bed that early in the morning on a Saturday will be a feat in and of itself. At least I'm being a good girlfriend and letting J sleep in and not making him do this 5K at 8:00am! Mama-hope you're walking with me while those two fools race each other! I'm too old to run, I may hurt something.

I'm very excited to be going home tomorrow and getting to show J my hometown for the first time. All you Salemites know how exciting that is!!!! He can see the now skanky 4-way stop with the Tower Inn half torn down and the building across the street torn down as well. It's really pretty, let me tell ya! Then it will be on to touring the famous Salem super Wal-Mart, always a fun time. Hey baby, maybe I'll take ya out to Make-out Lake as well!!!!!! :) Ahhh...Salem is some good times.


KD said...

It's just called Make Out Lake baby! I'm sure nothing like that actually happens there..... :)

KD said...

Mom-I've never been to Make Out Lake...uh, that's just what I hear happens there. Red-is it true??? :) And if there is no sleeping in, then mom is responsible for trying to wake J up on Saturday. I know my limitations.... :)

Anonymous said...

Make sure you save PLENTY of time for the visit to WalMart. You know everyone we have ever known will be in there and it will take you forever to get through. :) J is a very very brave guy for making the trip with you. I hope you guys have a very safe and fun trip!!!!!!! Robyn

kristy said...

Jon is still steaming about the chicken wings. You should consider yourself lucky, j.

KD said...

Maybe mom should open up a restaurant and feature "Val's World Famous Chicken Wings".Think about would be a hit in Salem for sure! We won't tell anyone that the secret is Franks Hot Sauce....oooops! I just did...sorry! :)