Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Great Flood of 2006

Ok, so I get to work this afternoon, get ready to walk in the door and see a huge fan in front of the door with a big sign that says "caution, floor is flooded". Huh? I go inside the office, there is green caution tape everywhere with more signs in the kitchen stating "do not enter" and "slippery floor". What the hell happened?, I asked when I made in to the call center. Apparently, I missed the great flood of 2006. On Friday, the kitchen sink apparently began spewing black sewage all over the kitchen. Staff said that the entire kitchen was covered in black goo and it began seeping into the call center, by my cubicle, of all places (my boss Chris tells me "it smelled like shit" in the call center)! Yuck! The Drain Surgeons were called (yes, the company's real name) and apparently all is well now. Except it smells. Not a good working environment. And all the staff are having weird symptoms that can't be a coincidence. Headaches, nausea, sore throats. We've been poisoned. This is really uncool.

In other, less disgusting news, I had a good weekend. I did not participate in Race for the Cure this year (for the first time since I've lived in St. Louis). I decided not to because I was on call for work on Saturday and could just imagine trying to deal with doing a 5K and carrying around my work cell. It was a good thing I didn't do it because I got called five times yesterday. I knew I would since it was the full moon and all. Always crazy good times when that happens.

Friday was a chill day. Hung out with J who made us dinner (thats right boy, do your job! Ok, just kiddin! But you know I hate to cook. Besides, I did the laundry and dishes-I think it evens out!). Were supposed to have the girls that night, but ended up not having them, so I had a "free night". J went to work and I watched crappy TV, hung out with the turtle, and read all night. Sometimes you gotta have nights like that. It was pretty cool. On Saturday, didn't do much. I took Henry the turtle outside to play in his pool. I think he was pissed off for some reason though. He kept ducking his head under water then rubbing his little face with his front legs. It was weird. And he was trying to climb out of the pool. He was giving me some attitude for real. Needless to say, our outside adventure didn't last long. I was ok with it since it was 107 degrees outside. J and I had aspirations of actually going somewhere on Saturday. Well, technically we did go somewhere-we went to the Chinese buffet again. I always have fun there-it's the damn chinese donuts. I love them. We just missed the downpour, but watched it from the safety of the inside of the chinese buffet. After that, went to Eddie's to watch Southbound 55 play while J worked, then on to everyone's favorite place, Pop's. It was a pretty uneventful night, right J? :) Overall, it was a good night, I had fun just getting to be with my boy. I don't care where we hang out, as long as I get to see him. I miss him already. Love you baby!!!!!

Ok, now I must do some payroll, pray the power doesn't go out in the office, and pray the office doesn't flood again. What kind of hellhole do they have us working in?????

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