Tuesday, June 20, 2006


What a day so far. Work has been absolutely crazy. I spent most of the afternoon taking calls, meaning I couldn't do any of my supervisor duties. I am also knee deep in writing people's yearly reviews. I've been compiling numbers all week. My head hurts and I can't see straight. I only have 14 reviews to write-I should be done sometime in 2007. I'm also on call until Monday so I haven't been sleeping well because I'm afraid I'll miss a call (I haven't). I'm exhausted. Physically. Mentally. I also found out today that my job duties will be changing as of July 1 (don't worry, I am still a supervisor, they are just doing some "restructuring"-you know how that goes). I have mixed feelings about this, cannot comment more at this time as I am still processing it. Wow-is it only Tuesday? Yikes. We are playing a fun little game called "BHR Bingo" tonight. It's a game in which each square contains typical client statements we hear on the phones over and over again. Examples are "I need my nerve pills", "someone stole my medication", "come get my kids they're out of control", and "is this Domino's?" (for some reason we get calls at the crisis line for Domino's at least once a day). All I need is a "I need to speak with Dr. So and So" and I win. I rock.

Well, enough rambling for today, must get back to work. Or maybe I'll actually eat (its 7:30 at night, just realized I haven't eaten yet-oops). Hope everyone else is having a better day. Later people.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

BHR bingo? I am SO jealous. You tell those peeps that they are going to have some major competition come August.

Ooh, is there a "you don't care about me" space, or how about a "I think I'm suicidal"????????