Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Eaten alive....by mosquitoes

I am in hell. Seriously. I told my boss today that I considered jumping off a bridge today to put myself out of my misery. People-mosquitoes love me. LOVE ME. I have about 50 bites on me and the itching is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! I'm not sure how much longer I can take it......

In other, less melodramatic news, had a great 4 day weekend! I felt like I was doing something wrong when I didn't go to work Sunday or Monday, but I quickly got over it. Friday and Saturday I hung out with J and the girls. Had "cleaning day" on Saturday-while I was vacuuming, I bent over to move the cord, stood up and smacked my head on the corner of a shelf. Yes, it hurt. I'm surprised I didn't knock myself out. That would have been fun. My head is still sore...

On Sunday, had the family picnic at Shaw Park. I was so happy to have J and the girls with me. It was hard to have fun though since it was like 150 degrees outside-geez!!!! Most everyone just kinda sat and chilled-it was way too hot to move. At least Chloe-monster had a good time! That dog was getting all kinds of attention! Once back in Illinois, we had some BBQ and did a bon fire outside. The fire was cool-just sat around and drank some beer (yes, J, it was Miller Lite!). The night would have been perfect if not for the Mosquito Incident. Enough about that.

Monday was a chill day. J and I took a three hour nap-that was awesome and much needed, apparently. We watched that 50 Cent movie again. I missed half of it the first time we watched it because I fell asleep. It was a pretty good movie except I can't handle watching 50 Cent talk-his teeth don't move. I know he got shot in the jaw, but come on man!

I have now become a Benadryl addict-it's the only thing that stops the itching (at least that's what I'll tell them in rehab). Probably because it knocks my ass out. Love it.

So, overall a good weekend. I always love quality time with J and the girls. This weekend, I am taking J to Salem. I can't wait to show him my hometown-I'm pretty sure showing him around town will take all of like 5 minutes. We will definitely have to head over to Wal-Mart and harrass Tim. Always fun. Can't wait for him to meet The Wonderdogs, Hank and Stubby, either. They are worth the trip to Salem right there. Those dogs need their own TV show. Seriously. Doing Relay for Life 5K on Saturday morning then heading back home Saturday afternoon. I'm off on Sunday again but have to go to a baby shower for my friend Shannon that afternoon.

Hope everyone has a good week. I'm back at work now and it sucks. Probably because of my Benadryl hangover.......I swear I can quit any time I want!

1 comment:

KD said...

oh yea, the shelf is fine! guess i'm not allowed to vacuum anymore. too hazardous...DARN!!! :)